Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 Before she had time to think he had wrenched her case from her and , pushing it in front of him , used the sharp ends as a battering ram to force his way through the crowds .
2 She is nonetheless scathing of the intellectuals in the Hamburg legal establishment who ‘ did n't raise a finger ’ when the Nazis dismissed her father from his job .
3 For example , in the British Picture Vocabulary Test , the child is required to point manually or to eye-point to indicate her selection from a set of pictures .
4 Rachaela had expensively rescued her furniture from store .
5 He did not deny her assertion but smiled contentedly as Constance drew her dish from the oven .
6 Vitor drew her dress from her and a pair of white bikini briefs followed , then he swiftly undressed .
7 With a sob she drew her mouth from his and cried out as she threw her head back .
8 Although speakers stressed the importance of welcoming Quebec into a reformed federal structure , the party failed to address detailed constitutional change , and one of the party 's Quebec MPs denounced the resolution as a cosmetic exercise , announcing her resignation from the PCP .
9 Louisa snatched her cape from the peg , banged the door shut behind her and leaned against it , panting .
10 She rose and stalked across the room , snatched her brush from the vanity table and dragged it through her hair with harsh , angry strokes .
11 Izzie snatched her arm from between his hands and snapped .
12 With a final effort that she felt in every nerve of her body , she jerked her hand from his and turned away to the fire .
13 Isabel jerked her hand from his , holding it out as though to ward him off .
14 She jerked her face from him , struggling .
15 Whether she was star struck , or simply just ambitious for her daughter , Patsy failed in her primary duty of protecting her daughter from a confused and selfish man .
16 Isa was trying to retrieve her jaw from the counter when the door opened and two Americans walked in .
17 She bent to retrieve her bag from where it had fallen under the seat and saw the parcel which made her heart sink .
18 Julie stood on the sea wall and moved her head from side to side allowing the fresh wind from the estuary to blow through her hair .
19 She stood , arms extended but bent , and slowly moved her head from side to side .
20 She moved her head from side to side .
21 Pressing it more firmly against her breast as his breathing became as erratic as her own , she moved her mouth from his and buried her face in his neck .
22 Blanche 's armchair squeaked as she moved her weight from one side to the other .
23 The moment his body covered hers she felt a great tide of revulsion and panic surge upwards until it threatened to choke her , and she threshed her head from side to side in blind , unreasoning panic , thrusting him away with frantic hands .
24 Isabel screamed again , twisting her head from side to side , catapulted brutally into panic-stricken hysteria .
25 To avoid political embarrassment Queen Victoria had discouraged her cousin from settling in England but , as a prince of Great Britain , he was buried at St George 's chapel , Windsor , where his Garter banner had hung since 1835 .
26 I agree that it would if I constantly compared her with my current partner , or wistfully mentioned her name from time to time .
27 In alarm she struggled to hide her body from the eyes of the young men , and in so doing knocked the vessel on to its side , leaving her and the soapy water on the floor .
28 She wriggled up , away , trying to hide her nakedness from him , groping for her clothes , avoiding his look , his touch .
29 Instead , Anna 's limbs suddenly began to jerk alarmingly and for several seconds she thrashed her head from side to side until tiny bubbles of foam appeared on her lips .
30 She d certainly changed her tune from the other day .
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