Example sentences of "[verb] so [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You would n't think so to look at her would you ?
2 Well , you would n't think so to look at the photographs , would you .
3 The Secretary of State was thus granted a discretionary power to release a person serving a sentence of life imprisonment subject to two conditions : ( 1 ) He must be recommended so to do in a particular case by the Parole Board ( which was constituted by section 59 of the Act of 1967 ) and ( 2 ) He shall not do so except after consultation with the Lord Chief Justice together with the trial judge if available .
4 If one has to resort to such an intentional framework in order to make sense of the behaviour , in order to explain what the creatures are doing and why , and has so to resort after exhausting all possibilities of more austere , less anthropomorphic frameworks of explanation , then one is on the route to linguistic meanings .
5 In 1965 Anthony Crossland , the Labour Secretary of State for Education , issued Circular 10/65 which requested those local authorities which had not already done so to submit to him their proposals for the reorganisation of their secondary schools along comprehensive lines .
6 It required those LEAs who had not already done so to submit to the Secretaries of State , by the end of the year , information about their plans for making their schools comprehensive .
7 The Museum of Modern Art , 30 Pembroke Street , from January 24 to March 28 is reviewing the opus of that doyen of American minimalist and conceptual art , Sol Le Witt , presenting a concise historical survey of his career from 1963 to the present rooted in the Bauhaus , and fruiting so to speak in the fashion and perfume house of Nina Ricci ( sponsors of this show ) for which he has designed packaging for the manly fragrance Ricci Club .
8 Here it is enough to note the invariable practice of including in a partnership agreement ( Clause 26 ) a provision which requires an outgoing partner , or his representatives , to join in a continuation election under s113 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 upon being requested so to do by the continuing partners .
9 For example , when Bernstein showed working-class children a sequence of pictures and asked them to tell the story contained there , they began so to speak from inside it : ‘ he kicks the ball through the window then the woman chases them ’ etc. ( 1971 ) .
10 5.13.1 If called upon to do so to produce to the Landlord or the Surveyor all plans documents and other evidence as the Landlord may [ reasonably ] require in order to satisfy [ itself ] that the provisions of this Lease have been complied with
11 In theory , the scheme is meant to help pupils who would otherwise be unable to do so to benefit from education at an independent school , but Janet Finch argues that past experience of the direct grant system ‘ would lead one to suppose that many beneficiaries of such a scheme will be middle-class children ’ .24 In 1986–7 about 24,500 pupils attended independent schools under the Assisted Places Scheme in England alone , and this transferred £43 million of taxpayers ' money to independent schools .
12 5.13.2 If called upon to do so to furnish to the Landlord the Surveyor or any person acting as the third party determining the rent in default of agreement between the parties under any provisions for rent review contained in this Lease such information as may [ reasonably ] be requested in writing in relation to any pending or intended step under the 1954 Act or the implementation of any provisions for rent review This seems quite innocuous but an unreasonable landlord could become a nuisance and apart from ensuring that " reasonably " is included , the tenant should also begin each subclause as follows : If called upon to do so ( but not more frequently than may be reasonable )
13 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
14 Moreover , there is such a difference between one man and another that the man of 70 may still be at a higher level than the man of 20 at his peak : although the latter , starting so to speak from a lower level , will normally reach the later age at a much lower point than the former .
15 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
16 when directed so to do by the police constable ( or the traffic warden ) in the execution of his duty .
17 ‘ when directed so to do by the police constable or the traffic warden ) in the execution of his duty ’ .
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