Example sentences of "[verb] so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 We fished for several hours without seeing so much as a fin .
2 Nothing succeeded so much as success for the organization .
3 He even made so bold as to ask about Maureen O'Duffy .
4 Patrick made so bold as to ask : ‘ Do you know if they 're coming from Ashford or Headquarters ? ’
5 It had got rid of this , the old order and new power relations had been established and so it should n't be regarded so much as an economic failure but as a profound political and social reform , which is an important step towards the Party 's ultimate aim of communism , and going back to the beginning of my paper that how that they had always seen industrialization as a means to an end and that how that socialism and ultimately communism could only be achieved through stages and so that , although it was an economic failure , it was a sort of a social
6 Behind them she could work with a charm and singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes .
7 Behind them she could work with a charm and a singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes ’ .
8 A few of the burlier men put their shoulders to the door , but it was built of ancient oak , heavily reinforced with iron and their combined weights failed so much as to cause the door to tremble on its massive hinges .
9 In England this system has not been developed so much as in other countries .
10 It did n't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away .
11 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
12 ‘ Then I like the carpenter best — if he did n't eat so many as the walrus . ’
13 I entreat you both That , being of so young days brought up with him And sith so neighboured to his youth and haviour That you vouchsafe your rest here in our court Some little time , so by your companies To draw him on to pleasures , and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean , Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus , That opened lies within our remedy .
14 But A Rapid Course is not intended so much as an elementary textbook in economics as ‘ a graded series of readings and exercises designed to prepare a student studying economics in the English language . ’
15 Food never tastes so good as it does after a long day 's hike .
16 I was not angry or upset so much as concerned by the lads going so far in the wrong direction .
17 Beethoven , among others , could not comprehend how Mozart could have stooped so low as to set to music such an apparently frivolous text , dealing with the fickleness of women ; and the prudish moral climate of the later 19th century made sure that Così was conveniently ignored as a little aberration .
18 But pace bowlers Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis said in a statement : ‘ We are amazed that a fellow professional has stooped so low as to make such unfounded comments .
19 We are amazed that a fellow professional has stooped so low as to make such unfounded comments in the papers .
20 Percy took her hand , saying , ‘ Definitely my art is diffused , but I have never stooped so low as to even touch a guitar . ’
21 Rather I cite it here as a historical antecedent whose very strangeness alerts us to several facts relevant to what follows : first , and most obviously , that sexual difference is not a biological given so much as a complex ideological history ; second , that current theories of sexual difference are of relatively recent origin , and quite probably still haunted by older views , including this one ; third , it suggests that ‘ before ’ sexual difference the woman was once ( and may still be ) feared in a way in which the homosexual now is — feared , that is , not so much , or only , because of a radical otherness , as because of an interior resemblance presupposing a certain proximity ; the woman then , as the homosexual in modern psychoanalytic discourse , is marked in terms of lesser or retarded development .
22 Melanie had never been given so much as a sixpence for herself all the time she had been at the shop .
23 For smaller companies , especially those engaged in craft industries , the combined cost of monitoring equipment , inspection and certification is proving so high as to threaten their existence .
24 Er one last thing er , do we need so many as eight non-executive directors which also to be paid ?
25 The thought of it filled her with an immense regret because a child could not stay a child there would be men ( a man she hoped ) in Nicandra 's life , Aunt Tossie thought with pity and some disgust — her mind scampered hurriedly from the contemplation of a subject not forbidden so much as not existing for her .
26 Other sea monsters washed ashore have proved objects of interest and attraction to visitors at first , but soon becoming so offensive as to render the town of Looe barely inhabitable .
27 But I considered myself to be unattractive , and in becoming so thin as to render myself totally undesirable sexually , I was saying , ‘ I may be unattractive , but this is because I choose to be this way . ’
28 And you yourself made it clear to me that you would not stomach so much as one more day , if we could but be induced to open a way of escape for you .
29 ‘ I always heard tell of you that you were a wolf , but never that you were come so low as to prey on dead men .
30 A spare pair of stockings or tights should always be handy as nothing looks so unattractive as laddered tights .
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