Example sentences of "[verb] so [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 She knew that the fussy , frilly bridal gown did not suit her but had accepted it , as she had accepted so much else in her life , for her mother 's sake .
32 Even more importantly , as Mikhail Gorbachev gradually allows so many officially forgotten barbarisms from the Soviet Union 's past to slide into the glare of public scrutiny , so the prospect grows of solving one of the post-war era 's most persistent enigmas .
33 My physical exercise makes me feel so good inside — whether I 'm on my stairmaster , whether I 'm out running , dancing to music like a crazy person , riding up hills on my bicycle or just taking a brisk walk .
34 ‘ I do n't think you 'll feel so different here , ’ Sister Ignatia said .
35 At first they seemed so close together as to form an impassable barrier , but as they drew nearer it became clear that they were several yards apart .
36 Fighting Margaret Lacey seemed so futile now .
37 The latter , which seemed so strange even a few years ago , is now available as a result of our understanding of sign languages and of the developments in foreign spoken language learning .
38 They seemed so easy together .
39 She seemed so authoritative already , so decided , a world away from the desperately anxious girl he had taken to pay her first calls that chill afternoon of February .
40 The fears that had driven him to race frantically out to the Lock seemed so ridiculous now that he could not help making a joke out of them , and himself .
41 If there had been a fire the tragedy was doubly sickening ; frequently there was not a fire and it all seemed so unreal rather like some still life tableau .
42 Merton 's clothes on this show had by now reached previously unfathomed depths : shrunk , unironed Magic Roundabout T-shirts and lumberjack shirts without washing instructions ( on the one occasion Merton wore a smart suit , he stopped the show mid-way through and exclaimed : ‘ Is n't anyone going to ask me why I 'm looking so smart today ? ’ ) .
43 Though it does n't matter so much here , it 's important in the USA because they take their music much more seriously .
44 If it does n't mean so much today as it did , it 's because rock is n't as strong as it was , it does n't matter so much anymore . ’
45 You know how they used to do a lot of weaving , they do n't do so much now .
46 I do n't do so much now .
47 I do n't know you only put so many down ca n't you ?
48 Well they tie so much up today , you see , where years ago they 'd keep cutting from it , you see , and people were n't so particular , they 'd take the lump as it was .
49 Does n't look so clever now , though .
50 How do they make it look so huge inside ?
51 Why should Willi always make himself look so ludicrous so that people laughed at him ?
52 the ends that look so odd now
53 They look so nice there . ’
54 ‘ You look so puritanical today . ’
55 Hence the importance attached by some communist theoreticians to the issue of mass participation within the party and the dismay expressed by generations of dissidents that the party control of the state which the early Marxist-Leninists had thought so important so easily degenerated into the substitution of one autonomous bureaucracy by another equally immune to democratic control and accountability .
56 We 've had so many over .
57 I mean I , I can see why you 're going out but it 's , you know I need , I need to have a night in I mean I 've done , I 've had so many stupidly late nights .
58 But I was dreading the French paper to which I had only given the dregs of my time as I had had so much else on my plate .
59 Cos it costs so much now .
60 At the start of chapter 16 we are reminded of it again , and things seem so hopeless now that Sarah urges Abraham to have a child by her Egyptian maid , Hagar .
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