Example sentences of "[verb] so [adj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't know if I have the strength to hear it now , ’ she murmured , ‘ having heard so much already . ’
2 ‘ I understand that over 500 students altogether took part in the Guild 's first course and it is good to see so many here today to collect their certificates .
3 Not that their newly re-upholstered troubled-funk rhythms would n't make converts of you all on the spot , but it 's heartening to see so many so attached to , well , so little .
4 After seeing so many beatifically smiling faces of Mao , Chou , and Hua , as well as many jolly workers engaged in various agricultural and industrial pursuits , it was quite a relief to enter a large room the walls of which were absolutely covered with vitriolic cartoons against the gang of four .
5 Hamnett and Rosen became so close so quickly that May 's magazine was scrapped at the last minute in favour of a version reworked by Rosen .
6 No I , I got so much here I thought it would be fair to with you .
7 Things have altered so much now .
8 It seems that they make so many now that they do n't have the same
9 ‘ You hide so much here , ’ said Grainne .
10 You do n't need so much now anyway .
11 Because they 're becoming so obscure now , that they 're becoming an e exercise in erm obscures or obscurity or whatever in the same way into the same appalling state as the annual report disease is becoming a design competition not an annual report presentation of financial figures .
12 She 'd not act so silly again .
13 That must be why they grow so tall so quickly and such a peculiar shade of green .
14 ‘ Because the murders were committed so close together we are looking into possible links between the two . ’
15 You do n't know so much yet , or you 'd know that wise people do n't mock what they do n't understand ! ’
16 ‘ Mr Swinton has so much already , ’ Alexandra said , her voice almost steady , ‘ that he asked if you might have the basket for bringing me out here on Christmas night . ’
17 The public spectacle of culture , the adoption of culture by the media , the standardisation of culture , the cultural discourse , cultural self-satisfaction , a slack cultural conformism , the recuperation of culture never has so much apparently been done for culture , never have the results ( another word that deserves some elaboration ) been so disappointing .
18 Little kids eat you alive , they want so much physically and emotionally . ’
19 They had n't wanted to , very much ; the little mining town was desolate and ugly and the only hotel smelled of stale beer and greasy chips , but Carrie had looked so different suddenly , so happy and ironed-out and eager , that none of them had said so .
20 Its linear diameter is I 392 000 km ; it looks so small only because it is at a distance of nearly 150 million km from us .
21 It looks so sad there , all cold and lonely , that I hold my hand out to sort of stroke it , but it flies off .
22 ‘ He is also a little eccentric , sometimes very odd , probably through living so much alone
23 She knew that the fussy , frilly bridal gown did not suit her but had accepted it , as she had accepted so much else in her life , for her mother 's sake .
24 Even more importantly , as Mikhail Gorbachev gradually allows so many officially forgotten barbarisms from the Soviet Union 's past to slide into the glare of public scrutiny , so the prospect grows of solving one of the post-war era 's most persistent enigmas .
25 My physical exercise makes me feel so good inside — whether I 'm on my stairmaster , whether I 'm out running , dancing to music like a crazy person , riding up hills on my bicycle or just taking a brisk walk .
26 ‘ I do n't think you 'll feel so different here , ’ Sister Ignatia said .
27 At first they seemed so close together as to form an impassable barrier , but as they drew nearer it became clear that they were several yards apart .
28 Fighting Margaret Lacey seemed so futile now .
29 The latter , which seemed so strange even a few years ago , is now available as a result of our understanding of sign languages and of the developments in foreign spoken language learning .
30 They seemed so easy together .
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