Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Where the home environment seems to be unsupportive in as much as it is highly arousing , strategies to increase the social distance in key relationships , or to modify their ways of interacting , would be helpful .
2 The reason why caterwauling is associated with rutting is because it is most common then , the scent of the female on heat attracting males from far and wide and bringing them uncomfortably close together , so that they feel unusually inclined to vent their feelings of hostility towards one another .
3 1.3. b ( v ) Institutions that listed their numbers of school- based inset days ranged from one College and two Polytechnics doing 40+ to 11 institutions doing no school-based work , and 12 who made no response to this question .
4 This may limit the ability of these hospitals to meet their pledges of maximum inpatient waiting times of two years .
5 ‘ Well , ’ he continued , ‘ I know we all call this place the summer-house , and it is only used to keep salmon nets and baskets in nowadays , but it is really a gazebo , where the local gentry used to meet their ladies of ill repute in the old days . ’
6 They recognize that even the most basic logical processes involve an element of indeterminacy ; they also base their techniques of communication on the strategies of narrative fiction rather than the endless flow of information .
7 First , there is the question of the correct model on which agents base their expectations of the outcomes of particular policy actions .
8 The idea of such a crude and offensive parody of the stiff , powerful heavy cavalry of the late Roman Army would appeal immensely to the peasants who could vent their feelings of resentment in bawdy mockery on those monuments of authority .
9 After listing anxiety-provoking situations from their personal experience , participants in the study will describe their perceptions of these situations in terms of the three theoretical models .
10 Some mature women who had returned to study mathematics and science described their memories of learning mathematics at school .
11 She described their properties of healing of invigoration .
12 Two of Vincent 's instructors later described their impressions of this eager novice who ‘ did not know what submission was ’ .
13 ( 1988 ) report their experiences of undertaking market research in a variety of settings for South Birmingham DHA .
14 Police reports on the night claimed that ‘ substantial ’ seizures of cannabis and cocaine had been made — thus effectively labelling those arrested as ‘ crack barons ’ and prejudicing their chances of a fair hearing in court .
15 Although the Vatican has records of a physic garden in 1277 , it was not until the sixteenth century that centres of learning , first in Italy and then elsewhere , began to establish their gardens of medicinal plants .
16 In our interviews with teachers we were anxious to hear about the way in which they used the library and the project acquisitions and to establish their impressions of use made by their colleagues .
17 Less than half of those who left the commune proceeded to consolidate their strips of land , and of these only a quarter actually moved their homesteads out of the village .
18 But the Central Authority always preferred persuasion , keeping their powers of direction in reserve .
19 The Melbourn class started in 1960 by Jean Moss goes on today , now taken by Rosemary Smith , but keeping their memories of Medau tunics .
20 They want their pieces of silver and a crown of thorns too .
21 Parents who have had one food-sensitive child will want to minimize their chances of having another , and some useful preventive measures are described in Chapter Thirteen .
22 Cynical almost to a man , they expected the worst , and had come to write their stories of poor abused children , evil parents , and the things that ‘ incomers ’ get up to in remote islands .
23 In the same way people mute their criticisms of what others would regard as intolerable housing amenities .
24 CAPTAIN Will Carling last night told England to sing up and play up in the first 20 minutes or risk Naas Botha wrecking their hopes of winning today 's historic international at Twickenham .
25 ‘ Perhaps there would be guests to be welcomed — travellers , or merchants from the East who would display their wares of silk or gold or ivory , ’ said Oisin .
26 How do they maximize their chances of career development ?
27 The notice to the creditors must state a time and date , not more than four days before the meeting , by when the creditors must lodge their proofs of debt ( Form 6.37 in Sched 4 to the rules , see App C , form 34 ) and , if applicable , proxies , in order to entitle them to vote at the first meeting ( r 6.79(4) ) .
28 Yet the time may come when the unions will have expiated their follies of the sixties and seventies , partly through the rationalisation and mergers of the past decade , partly through reforms forced on them by changes in the law during the eighties , partly by a public rediscovery that trade unions are a necessary part of a free society .
29 As many of the points developed here arise from the fuller accounts of the three theories in section 1.5 , I have opted to end this chapter on an activity which highlights their points of divergence , their points of overlap and their respective view of the UK crossroads .
30 Annfield found their hopes of finishing in the top four being dimmed when they went down at home Boldon CA .
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