Example sentences of "[verb] n't [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The hearing has n't troubled him at all .
2 It has n't stopped him making guest appearances and recordings with western orchestras , and he is no longer in a position where he 's asked only to conduct Russian music — ‘ Berlioz and Beethoven with British orchestras were far more interesting propositions for me than , for example , Tchaikovsky , because you remember too much the way Russian orchestras play Tchaikovsky with the huge sound and the heaviness and the passion ’ .
3 Well that has n't take him long , did it ?
4 He says his son has n't contacted him .
5 I see he er the son 's re er well he has n't retired he 's er given notice that he 's not er going to be on the market committee now .
6 And in those cases the woman has n't loved him as I love you ! ’
7 yeah , but I 've , but I mean he has n't said he
8 He says sex education at school is useless and has n't prepared him for what to expect .
9 But it has n't given him much of a clue about setting up a restaurant .
10 She has n't seen him for 20 years and remembers him as a ‘ nice guy ’ .
11 She has n't seen him since . ’
12 ‘ He has n't seen him .
13 He was quite categorical ; Passmore was there on Friday evening from about seven until closing time , but he had n't seen him for several weeks before then and he has n't seen him since . ’
14 He admits to being a little bit partial to the cakes he makes , but as Cyril says , it has n't done him much harm , has it ?
15 He has some obsession she has n't told him the whole truth . ’
16 The obvious two are Kevin Keegan — he 'd be crap … he 's just a jumped up little Geordie who still has n't shown he can produce a really imaginative team ; and Glen Hoddle — now , hed be my choice … why ? because he 's young , has the respect of the players , would introduce the concept of playing football into the national team ( after all , if you look at the individual skill level of English players it 's as good as just about anywhere in the world … it 's just that managers have refused to let them play ) .
17 Certainly the taste for parody has n't deserted him ( witness the piano pieces in homage to Scarlatti , Medtner , Alkan , late Liszt et al ) ; nor has his taste for rum titles ( such as the choral work Oil or petrol Marks on a Wet Road are Sometimes held to be Spots where a Rainbow Stood ) .
18 Well he has n't has he ?
19 He has n't has he ?
20 erm , but this one has n't has he ?
21 But the accident has n't put him off taking to the road himself .
22 A former international sportsman who was stabbed while he was out jogging says the attack has n't put him off running in the future .
23 ‘ See he 's able to breathe and do n't move him , ’ I said , to no-one in particular pulling off my hat before half-diving , half-crawling , into the upturned car .
24 John would I do n't think he knows
25 Yes , but what was her independence if she did n't marry him ?
26 And I did n't think him in the least like the Beast in the fairy tale although his hair and beard need a little trimming perhaps .
27 She enjoyed hearing about the governess 's letters which would never be received and translations of East End rhyming slang , but did n't think he actually listened to her , he often asked her the same questions .
28 Um , he said , thought a little and then said no , he did n't think he had been afraid .
29 He wrote a few letters on my behalf and I just did n't think he was for me because of what I saw at the time .
30 I thought he was all right , but I did n't think he was all that powerful , although I do believe in chemistry and obviously the chemistry between him and Bowie was magic — undeniably magic .
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