Example sentences of "[verb] n't [vb pp] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Pipeline business is the stuff that you 've sent to head office , been put on the shelf , and has n't issued yet , because of maybe medical in the writing , or there 's complications with it , you know , it 's sat on the shelf , but it has n't actually , the policy has n't wanged itself to the client .
2 At the same time , though , I can see Mother 's side of it , at least on this one point , for she has n't considered herself as being just a housekeeper all these years , she 's felt mistress of the place , and she 's going to miss it . ’
3 ‘ Your guest has n't shown himself yet then , ’ Leila said , biting into a breakfast muffin and taking a mouthful of coffee to wash it down .
4 Jones said : ‘ He has been told to lose weight since Christmas but he has n't bothered himself . ’
5 So do n't put yourself out unless the implications or consequences of your child 's behaviour are harmful , irreversible or , in some other way , serious .
6 Okay now erm , there 's a slight change of plan because er following one or two of the classes last week I realized that erm I had n't made myself very well understood last week and er what came back from one or two people was rather garbled , and really it 's my own fault because I probably tried to do too much too quickly and as a result perhaps er did n't make myself clear .
7 Then , when she saw she had n't made herself understood , she again , more slowly this time , repeated her question .
8 His favourite topics were sex and sex and he had n't repeated himself once in three years .
9 The result of that was that by the time I 'd rushed across the road , dashed up the stair well found the place , dashed up the stairs , I was out of breath and er had n't composed myself and I just res resembled a quivering blob that er
10 For a moment she was taken aback , realising for the first time that she had n't explained herself very well , then , gathering her wits together , she retorted briskly , ‘ If you had n't assaulted me and accused me of being a burglar I would have told you that the Svend I 'm looking for is a student who met my sister at the Roskilde music festival and afterwards entertained her and her friends here in this apartment for several nights . ’
11 Whatever the impulse of the moment , she had n't given herself lightly to Roman .
12 ‘ He said to me that he felt that in the last couple of internationals he had n't done himself justice .
13 He obviously had n't stinted himself with She-She back there .
14 Would you have asked for my investment if you had n't convinced yourself we were going to get married ? ’
15 The open jaws of a big barracuda were enough to keep most people out of the water and his party had n't shown themselves that keen over the past three days .
16 Often she had wondered if she would have been quite so successful if she had n't thrown herself so totally into her work in a desperate attempt to mend her broken heart .
17 But , with everything exploding about me , I still had n't got myself back together when the message came from your hotel to say you 'd just checked in . ’
18 Leith still had n't got herself back together again when the five of them moved to the dining-room .
19 She said they had n't organised themselves properly and did n't listen to advise and instructions .
20 I had n't let myself stop and think about it , but I knew there was something very wrong with me , and although I was n't depressed exactly , I was going through hell .
21 I suppose I had n't let myself think it through — I mean , I was so happy when she said she loved me , I never stopped to think seriously about what I had to offer her .
22 Her best coat would perhaps have been better because it would make her look as though she had n't let herself go , but on the other hand her frightful old lumber jacket would have suggested , what was true enough , that she was worried enough not to care .
23 Arms she had n't let herself expect .
24 Because I had n't sorted myself out about the whole thing properly , my feelings while waiting were a complete tangle — although I did n't want to see him , I did desperately want him to want to see me .
25 He had n't purged himself as completely as he had thought .
26 If the wretched woman had n't taken herself off to war work in a factory canteen for three times the money , or so she had said .
27 She was really feeling tired now , half wishing she had n't indulged herself taking in the sights .
28 How could they have known he was going to that cinema when he had n't known himself until he saw the name at the station ?
29 But I had n't known myself .
30 She had n't known herself until yesterday .
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