Example sentences of "[verb] from school [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is also the case that the great majority of students entering advanced courses in art and design have come from foundation courses , a few having come from school with GCE A level passes in art .
2 This rate differed from school to school , ranging from 5 per cent to 80 per cent .
3 The constitution and composition of this committee vary from school to school , as does its relationship with other parts of the school 's bureaucracy ( curriculum and resource sub-committees , senior management team etc . ) .
4 Considerable concern was expressed , for example by R. H. Tawney , about the numbers of boys going from school into unskilled jobs with little prospect of advancement , from which they might be dismissed when they became old enough to qualify for higher adult earnings .
5 Thomas Carter returned from school at 4.30 and was straightaway despatched half-a-mile to the only shop for 28lb of coal .
6 Later , I too escaped from school into the army , and the four years of war service seemed at the time , perfectly natural .
7 I think the problem is , that at the moment sex education is so arbitrary and it varies from school to school and from house to house I think they have to make it like a core part of the curriculum , make it compulsory and make it uniform throughout the country , so everybody 's getting the same education , the same quality I think that 'll help .
8 are managed by boards of governors , whose constitution varies from school to school , but which include representatives of parents and teachers , and sometimes of the DENI or an Education and Library Board .
9 Children were employed in field work for this was necessary to supplement the family income and Halling was no exception as the school log books show of children absenting from school in the 19th century to go pea picking and gleaning .
10 I remember sneaking from school to watch old Titford 's funeral procession and standing under the chestnut trees and thinking how beautiful the singing in church sounded .
11 If she is withdrawn from school for two years to help produce a new language course eighty children will lose out .
12 The facilities available for television training differs from school to school ; filming and television work is expensive to organise , and really there is not so much opportunity as one would like to see for students to gain experience in these vital areas .
13 It is very difficult to generalise on outdoor activities , as the amount of space available differs from school to school .
14 Movement and Dance from School into the Community
15 She was expelled from school for being a ‘ bad influence ’ , joined a heavy metal band and at one stage worked as a Bunny Girl for her father 's biggest rival , Playboy chief Hugh Heffner .
16 Through it Widgery became involved with another student venture , U Magazine , and managed to become its editor without even being a student , having been expelled from school for producing an irreverent magazine .
17 A TEENAGER who claims he was horse whipped and treated like a slave by his foster parents was expelled from school for disruptive behaviour , Mold Crown Court heard .
18 Expelled from school at fifteen , she had found herselfstarting work at a period of full employment .
19 The aspects of the curriculum which received specific attention ( albeit in the context of an expressed concern for the whole curriculum ) varied from school to school .
20 There are honour boards , special clothes , badges , privileges and so on , varying from school to school , in which the results of success at the officially sanctioned occasions of hazard are displayed ( Bernstein , 1971 ) .
21 Early in life he went from school to school , sometimes half across Europe ; then he looked for patronage to give him a livelihood .
22 He went from school to college , and he graduated top of his class .
23 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
24 The extent to which these problems will be tolerated , and the measures adopted for dealing with them , will vary from school to school , and it is accepted that it would be impossible to lay down precise rules about the steps to be taken .
25 Sniffing will vary from school to school , from youth club to youth club and from one residential children 's home to another .
26 The basic assumption of this form of life , extending from school to university , was that imaginative literature was inherently valuable , and that it was valuable because it pleasurably conveyed emotion and profound insights into the life of things .
27 In 1988 and 1989 , increasing numbers of secondary school students found them-selves excluded from school on a variety of pretexts , including failing their matriculation exams and political activism ( see Chapter 13 ) .
28 No it took me fifteen minutes tonight to get from school to Kyle 's Kyle 's school !
29 Many children are taken from school after about five years because of economic or family problems .
30 Women now want their daughters to be educated , rather than taken from school in their early teens and married .
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