Example sentences of "[verb] from [adv] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Admittedly the difference between understanding from inside and explaining from outside will seem to be pretty thin , if beliefs and desires can appear in scientific explanations .
2 Could you please confirm all is well and that the copy which I believe Michael still has from before will suffice for the printed programme .
3 Humid air permeating from below can cause condensation in the roof space , particularly where there is felt under the roof tiles , which can cause the timbers to rot .
4 Furthermore , if the world responded with sanctions , an isolated regime potentially crumbling from within might attempt to forestall public discontent by blaming outside interference for the country 's travails .
5 Fallout from here could contaminate the whole continent . ’
6 The census of 1785 confirms that the Titfords were still on Pig Street , not having been driven out by the noise of falling stone or splintering wood ; not that noise would have been anything unusual for them — they already had Thomas Addams ' blacksmith 's shop down the street , and the ringing sound of metal on metal emanating from there must have mingled nicely with the constant clip-clop of horses ' hooves as Henry Webley went about his business as the Bristol carrier a few doors away .
7 NEW rules to be introduced from tomorrow will hit many part-time workers receiving unemployment benefit .
8 NEW rules to be introduced from tomorrow will hit many part-time workers receiving unemployment benefit .
9 NEW rules to be introduced from tomorrow will hit many part-time workers receiving unemployment benefit .
10 Anyone entering from outside would only have seen Jim with his feet up in front of the fire , reading a thriller .
11 In one area of Germany a quarry was being excavated for paving slabs and the fossils removed from there would otherwise have been destroyed .
12 All forms of publishing are subject to the Act , including distributing or exhibiting films or videos , so that works imported from abroad may be caught irrespective of context , circumstances or intention .
13 He told me he was about to go into a ‘ sealed camp ’ somewhere in the south of England , and that the letters he wrote from there would not be released until the invasion had safely begun .
14 No oh well we 'll go and we 'll see then , try it this week and next week and then see , see from there wo n't we ?
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