Example sentences of "[verb] from [art] time " in BNC.

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1 The time allotted in different local education authorities for solving the kinds of issue described above ranged from no time at all , through one day every term , two hours once a month , to one afternoon , and in one case a whole day each week .
2 The fighting never stopped from the time I got to Los Angeles , but no one gained ground .
3 That is , it lives from the time it 's conceived and created , for some fifty or sixty years , it varies , and then the work dies .
4 The treatment of slaves … anything and everything that happens from the time of enslavement in Africa through the Middle Passage and the final sales and treatment in bondage . ’
5 If goods have not been delivered within 30 days following expiry of an agreed time limit or if there is not an agreed time limit within 60 says from the time the carrier took over the goods , this shall be taken as evidence of the loss of the goods .
6 If re-issued , priority is reckoned from the time of re-issue ( Ord 26 , r 10(3) ) .
7 The house , Carpendens Court , dated from the time of Charles I ; it had lately been used as a nursing home and was in sad disrepair .
8 Dolphin kills were suspected from the time the practice of fishing on dolphins began in 1959 , but a secretive tuna industry for many years resisted all attempts to have observers placed on their boats , no doubt fearful of the outrage that would result if the truth were made public .
9 It would seem that its priority would date from the time of such amendment .
10 This is what Dr Serafin is escaping from every time she pedals furiously to the station to catch the train to London ( one of those bicycles in the hall is hers ) with the portable typewriter lodged insecurely in the basket on the handlebars .
11 Forgetting for a moment the totally illogical premise that Welsh teams get dirtier as they get better , I fail to see what useful purpose was served by raking up old controversies dating from a time when most of the current Welsh team were in primary school .
12 Wallace estimated that Sulawesi was of very ancient origin , possibly even dating from a time before Sumatra , Java and Borneo were raised above the level of the ocean .
13 Significantly enough one of the very earliest uses of the term ‘ postmodern ’ , dating from the time of the Second World War , was that of Arnold Toynbee in his A Study of History .
14 Six of the seven woodcuts of ‘ War ’ ( 1922–23 ) , her major graphic cycle from the years of the Weimar Republic , are shown , but her later work , dating from the time of her dismissal from the Prussian Academy of Arts in Berlin in 1933 , is thinly covered .
15 Social democratic parties have existed in Europe for a century or more ; the Democratic and Republican parties in the US are well over a century old , and indeed have a certain continuity with earlier parties dating from the time of the American Revolution ; conservative parties on a mass basis were created soon after the emergence of social democracy in Europe ; and communist parties were formed on a world scale after the Russian Revolution .
16 All that came from the time when Central News was transmitted from Birmingham .
17 We have to escape from the time warp in which , unfortunately , some people are still caught after three election defeats in a row . ’
18 The other was trying to find a mechanism to sell more. , Another example of the ability to see the wood from the trees can be drawn from the time he was asked to take charge of Esso 's marine operations .
19 Fifteen li north of Tongjiang , at the edge of the T'ang 's great estate , were the ruins of an ancient Buddhist monastery that dated from the time of the great Sung dynasty .
20 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
21 Turnaround will be measured from the time a request is entered at the terminal to the time printing is logged as being completed by RSCS or the batch monitor .
22 The duration of palliative response was measured from the time that the response was first observed until a significantly lower score was obtained on two successive measurements .
23 The subject 's reaction time was measured from the time at which the target phoneme occurred ( not from the onset of the word containing the target ) .
24 In order to remove all doubt , the Law Commission in their Report Sale and Supply of Goods ( 1987 ) No 160 recommended that the concept of merchantability should explicitly include reasonable durability as measured from the time of supply and this was included in s2B(e) of the Consumer Guarantees Bill 1990 .
25 In the words of Stuart Eizenstat , Jimmy Carter 's domestic policy chief , ‘ One can trace from the time of the New Deal through the early and mid-parts of the Nixon administration , a clear , gradual , perceptible increase in presidential power relative to the legislative branch .
26 In the latter case , the higher-level program is translated as a whole into a lower-level program as a whole , and that process is carried out at a time before and separate from the time when the ( compiled ) program runs .
27 They emanate from a time about 300,000 years after the Big Bang and show the first signs of fluctuations in the density of matter in space .
28 However , since the late 1960s — roughly speaking from the time of the escalation of the Vietnam War and the student riots in Paris — the rate of growth of gross national product in real terms in all Western countries has fallen noticeably .
29 If you are kept waiting at any airport , hoverport or seaport because the departure of your scheduled aircraft , hovercraft or ship , is delayed from the time specified in your Amsterdam Travel Confirmation of Booking invoice , then you can claim benefit in accordance with the following scale .
30 He went yet again in 1801 , by then she had altered from the time when she had ‘ full eyes , vermillion lips , and cheeks like lillies ’ to a ‘ bulky wife of a farmer , blessed with much good humour and a ready utterance . ’
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