Example sentences of "[verb] not [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It ‘ has not equal value with the other proper doctrines of the faith , but is simply a summary statement ’ .
2 Though , to be sure , he has not red hair , so he can not plead that excuse .
3 Has not national taxation increased with higher levels of VAT and the introduction of poll tax ?
4 Art therapy can be of immense value to some Disabled people , as it is to some non-Disabled people , but it has not intrinsic link to Disability and offers no solution to the problem as Disabled people perceive it .
5 It wrings higher performance per clock than anybody and it has not broken compatibility the way Intel intends to do with the P6 and the way IBM has done with the Rios and its subset , the PowerPC , having apparently failed to scale the thing down to the desktop and having instead been forced to strip out 40 instructions and substitute a software emulator .
6 It wrings higher performance per clock than anybody and it has not broken compatibility the way Intel intends to do with the P6 ( UX No 420 ) and the way IBM has done with the Rios and its subset the PowerPC , having apparently failed to scale it down to the desktop and having been forced to strip out 40 instructions and substitute a software emulator .
7 Rather a dreary , grey looking place not very eye catching to me but that did n't matter the next eight hours ' driving did .
8 Star Trek 's something that will never die , I mean not Star Trek erm Dar
9 Every effective preacher knows that proclamation involves not mere communication , but confrontation .
10 Just as with manufacture , the artefact may be used to express not actual efficiency but an ideal of function .
11 In all this we should see not personal vanity — Pope John was too old for that — but an act of primatial responsibility .
12 In operation it reminded me strongly of Supercalc , having no immediate on-screen command line , while in concept is seems not unlike Report Manager with its ability to slice data through a model .
13 But tell me if you will , whilst you were attending to these sartorial niceties , the small , yet I feel not insignificant matter of our impending relegation to Sheol did n't , perchance , wend its winged way into your mercurial consciousness ? ’
14 Its principal commandment , ‘ Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law ’ , to him meant not vulgar hedonism but the honest and honourable fulfilment of a person 's deepest potential .
15 When master-manufacturers talked of the danger of communism which lurked behind any limitation of the absolute right of employers to hire and fire at will , they meant not social revolution but merely that the right of property and the right of domination were indistinguishable , and a bourgeois society must go to the dogs once interference with property rights was permitted .
16 In 1981 , President Samora Machel stressed not democratic participation in school management but the responsibility of pupils to achieve good marks to justify the money and effort expended by the community .
17 Loss of faith in a traditional God-the-Father brought not spiritual anguish but freedom to explore more Motherly aspects of deity and the divinity of Nature .
18 so you felt that and that pulse point there if you press on it hard enough you can actually stop the one in the wrist and of course that is controlling the flow of blood to the rest of the arm and you leave a pressure point closed off like that for no more than ten minutes , because if you left it on for too long that it means not sufficient blood 's getting to the rest of the , the limbs and the limb must have its blood supply , so you leave the pressure on for ten minutes and then release it , say for ten seconds just so say that the hand comes back pinkish again and if it 's not slowing down , back on with the pressure again for another ten minutes and that 's how you use it , tap off , ten minutes at the most , tap on for a little while , if it 's leaked again reapply , ten minutes at the most , tap on again , okay and that 's how you 'll control it , so if you do have a sit a situation where the bleeding was bad cos you 've got a , a limb severed , you could n't perhaps put sufficient direct pressure over that limb , this done , right , to control the bleeding then you could use indirect pressure , here , breaking or here , right in the , no playing now please , no trying to find this one right now , do this one tonight , in bed and the old lady said now what are you doing to me , never you mind , go to sleep
19 The UFC 1989 Review 225 admitted that the numerical totals of publications were not found to be helpful in the assessment process , and their panels were agreed that quantity did not equal quality .
20 The UFC 1989 Review admitted that the numerical totals of publications were not found to be helpful in the assessment process , and their panels were agreed that quantity did not equal quality .
21 So our having the tape-recorder is affecting the quality of Mrs Padmore 's life — which , however , has an indirect effect on the quality of our life , given the I think not unreasonable premise that an improvement in the quality of someone else 's life offers us some kind of pleasure or satisfaction , or at any rate spares us discomfort or guilt ; though whether this is what I had in mind when I borrowed the tape-recorder this morning I think unlikely .
22 And that 's money we have to spend , and it in a way that was a controversial decision because members of the Council were genuinely concerned about spending money on what might be seen to be central services , when they were having to face not improving staffing in elderly persons ' homes .
23 I replied rather coldly that I had not drunk alcohol since 1939 , and that it had been my hope that we should stop somewhere where I could wash up generally , relieve myself and have a little rest .
24 The linguistic phenomena we see in the texts reflect not classical fusion of law but post-classical confusion of language .
25 As Hollywood kept on discovering at its own expense — and this was a relatively costly movie compared with Nicholson 's previous works — good and successful literature does not necessary transfer easily to the big screen .
26 A distortion exists whenever society 's marginal cost of producing a good does not equal society 's marginal benefit from consuming that good .
27 Knowledge of a risk does not equal consent to run that risk .
28 It does not equal cell cast sheet in surface finish [ because of the method of production ] nor in physical properties [ because of its lower molecular weight ] .
29 Absence of comment does not equal approval .
30 Switch on the mains and if the unit does not self-trigger press switch S1 .
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