Example sentences of "[verb] at how the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , ’ she said carefully , marvelling at how the steam conducted the sound .
2 ‘ I do n't understand why they pose for the tourists , ’ she said , marvelling at how the huge hoods were wired to flare out in soft folds around each tightly wrapped skull .
3 The report then looks at how the fund was used , the outcomes obtained and the options for those refused help .
4 Gerry Tissier looks at how the project is shaping up
5 Helen Kay looks at how the God Squad handle some huge assets and equally big liabilities
6 Hong Kong , Hong Kong , Beats the Chinese Heart , a Viewpoint touring exhibition by Simon Buckley shows the mix of traditional and modern lifestyles in Hong Kong and looks at how the Chinese community has attempted to recreate the atmosphere of Hong Kong in Manchester ( until 2 Mar ) .
7 Elspeth Burnside looks at how the growth of the women 's professional circuit has revitalised the amateur game .
8 The programme looks at how the countryside was affected by the ravages of war , and how the Vietnamese people are trying to recover from it .
9 A literary experiment changes a text and looks at how the change affects a reader .
10 Chapter 17 then looks at how the government alters the supply of money in the economy and influences the money market .
11 ‘ For Your Freedom and Ours ; Poland , Scotland and the Second World War ’ looks at how the men of the 1st Polish Army corps adapted to their new surroundings and , in many cases , decided to settle here for the rest of their lives .
12 In the first of two reports , Mike Rowbottom looks at how the situation has changed
13 In the final part of our series on the plane known as Fat Albert , Erika Barnes looks at how the Hercules has brought help to civilians in times of crisis .
14 In 2 we have looked at how the formal system operates between as well as within sentences ; in 3 we have seen how knowledge of the world ( about cats and gates , for example ) or of the culture ( about social roles and relationships ) enables people to make their language function as they intend and to understand how others do the same to them .
15 It is worth spending a few minutes looking at how the waves are breaking and picking the best place and time to launch .
16 We begin therefore by considering our current practice , and then looking at how the National Curriculum fits in .
17 Now by looking at how the subjects perform on these tests , our researcher will be able to determine different degrees of accuracy for each of the morphemes focused upon in this way .
18 Looking at how the franchise industry has developed in the United States and the diversity of franchises offered there , we can expect that much greater growth is still to take place in the UK market . ’
19 NOW THAT China has joined the two international copyright conventions , it is worth looking at how the revolution in knowledge dissemination has affected the region .
20 For example they are looking at how the best of what other people do can be applied in the AEA . ’
21 Images which are used by most young women as their role models and from looking at how the media presents women influences directly their own expectations of themselves .
22 Reader manipulation is another recurring feature that in some ways is obvious looking at how the book is written but as you 're reading the book you 're practically living in it and when you finish it 's almost as if a piece of your daily routine is missing and because it is an integral part of your life it is hard to distance yourself from it and analyse it .
23 When looking at the amount of the benefit under s740 of TA 1988 some assistance may be obtained by looking at how the problem is dealt with in other areas of taxation .
24 At the John Radcliffe Hospital , Professor Andrew McMichael 's looking at how the body responds to the virus .
25 Look at how the stage is positioned and its depth , or whether there are pillars or any other view-blockers .
26 Tonight in a special report we look at how the Forest has been abused in the past , and how it 's still going on today .
27 Next he 'll decide to go and look at how the new crimpling machine is working in the Wayfarer Bay .
28 In this section , we shall look at how the ideals and expectations students had of science compared with the reality of studying the subject .
29 It is the perfect time to stand back and look at how the beauty of nature can enhance your surroundings .
30 Let us look at how the full set of English vowels might be analysed in terms of a small number of distinctive features .
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