Example sentences of "[verb] at the house " in BNC.

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1 The Committee for the Preservation of Morals was to meet at the house of Mrs Murphy , the wife of the Mayor .
2 In the pre-civil war period , one group of clerics and laymen who shared this approach and who thus opposed the confrontational policies of Laud and his followers , began to meet at the house of Lucius Cary , Lord Falkland , at Great Tew in Oxfordshire .
3 I stopped at the house to give my condolences to Mr and Mrs Gould .
4 For instance , I once had occasion to ask him if a certain gentleman expected at the house was likely to be accompanied by his wife .
5 I 've looked at the house , looked at the site .
6 The digger , which was parked at the house after being repaired , was dumped 350 yards away .
7 He was immediately enthralled : ‘ I do n't think there was a moment after that … when the wish to work at the House of Commons was n't at the back of my mind . ’
8 Later he came to work at the house which was his first entry into Local Government .
9 The awards will be presented at the House of Sport on October with each category winner receiving an engraved Wassail goblet donated by sponsors Tyrone Crystal .
10 I spect he was pretty angry about t tell him I was living at the house with Marie .
11 Now his executors hope that the money raised by the Constable will pay off the last of his debts and enable his wife , Austrian Countess Lucy Czernin and their two children , Edward , 11 , and Charlotte , 15 , to continue living at the house .
12 Others living at the house said they were waiting to be reunited with Marita and her Mr Loren to find out exactly what happened .
13 He took her arm as he had done at the house , his hand under her elbow , her weight against him , and she was powerless to alter the facts .
14 I later found out that the school had enquired at the house after the girl 's continued absence and been given some plausible excuse for it by the father .
15 The only way to view the Chancellor was by scrambling through the neighbouring graveyard and looking at the house across a row of tombstones .
16 By the garden gate of Four Winds she stood looking at the house for several minutes in silence before they got back into the car and she told him how to get to the Inn on the Point .
17 Mary Rose was happy for him and when he suggested looking at the house with its quaint-sounding name , she was enthusiastic .
18 He was silent , still looking at the house .
19 She pulled into her drive and sat looking at the house .
20 He stood on a gravel path , looking at the house .
21 ‘ I can easily move the ’ Charlotte began , looking at the house plant .
22 He turned into the one occupied by his stepmother , switched off the motor , and for several moments they sat looking at the house whose drawn blinds and closed windows seemed to proclaim its emptiness .
23 they saw our house Friday , and they rang me up , and I said look , you know , I 've got , I 've got my exams today and I really do n't want to come up unless you see something , if you do , I will come up because they reckon it 's a joint effort , if we 're gon na live together , we 've all got to see it and make a contribution to looking at the house .
24 Here is an example of an impro exercise for two actors : ‘ An actor is asked to assume the character of a close family friend who arrives at the house with the news of the death of the wife 's husband in an accident .
25 Similarly fixated is the dying man , known to them as Singapore Sling , who — in flashback — arrives at the house looking for his missing lover .
26 I think if you look at the House Builder 's Federation 's papers , there you will see , their idea of environmental discount .
27 But suddenly it turned and galloped at the house and to my horror it leapt gigantically up and straight at me with bared teeth .
28 She would have been quite content simply to stare at the house for hours , and she was still sitting there when Alain opened her door and bent to look in at her .
29 Colin loved the land but he would n't even get out of the van to look at the house . ’
30 When prospective buyers came to look at the house , which happened more and more frequently , they stayed out of the way until they had gone .
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