Example sentences of "[verb] at [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 He will let us know at lunchtime which foreigners will feature .
2 An Enthusiasts special is also being organised at £35.00 which includes an Express Passenger Locomotive Course at the Museum , or a Tank Engine Course at £27.50 .
3 As the world warmed , the global sea level rose at rates which certainly were without parallel in the last 100,000 years , but until this month no continuous record of this sea-level change had been available to scientists .
4 He 's beginning to become more accessible , more thoughtful and more interested in what 's happening at Blenheim which is one of the great national institutions .
5 SUSAN NICKALLS looks at pottery which has become a smash hit
6 That 's the reason why almost all of our R and T activity is specifically targeted at demands which have been identified in the markets . ’
7 if I 'm living at home which
8 While the Conciliation Committee fiddled , a conflagration threatened at Liverpool which promised to set all Britain 's ports alight .
9 The question of er P P G thirteen and transportation I think is vitally important , York will come into the position that Chester er where I was just at a transportation enquiry recently , it 's a very similar sort of city , it 's not quite the same as Cambridge , where Cambridge is leaping ahead on quite , some would say draconian transportation measures , York in the forceable future will have to look at specialist transportation measures , that 's important in terms of the planning policy guidance that is out , it 's also in the white paper , it may be in draft P P G thirteen , it 's also in I think it 's P P G twenty two , renewable energy , that we should now be looking at developments which is closer to work , that links then to the question of sustainability and viability of a new settlement , I am not aware , and and I put it guardedly in those terms , of any significant employment existing or proposed in any of the new settlement proposals .
10 We are looking at options which will almost certainly include a Nasdaq listing .
11 But if you were looking at their egos as well , er their whole personality had its defence disrupted , then of course , you may be able to see a bit more , because you are now looking at areas which are co both conscious and manifest themselves in all kinds of different ways .
12 They will be looking at areas which are under-utilised or derelict .
13 ‘ People can dip in and out , looking at objects which represent the best that artists of a certain period believed they could do woven in with some everyday things .
14 Other clues to a general theory of addiction have led researchers to focus on the dopamine system — even when looking at drugs which do not affect dopamine receptors .
15 It may well be that such an approach is incommensurate with the difficulties presented by international disagreements and internal conflicts but it does suggest a way of looking at law which enhances its potential as an instrument for peace .
16 Parents to children I shall begin by looking at support which flows from parents to children , examples of which can be found in all the categories which I have listed , although personal care in a sense is the least important because most adult children do not need it .
17 Erm on the basis of that you , and the other thing that er is probably worth thinking about is is looking at items which erm er sort of seem to distinguish strongly between people .
18 ( 3 ) When looking at clauses which require compliance with time limits ( eg a time limit for notifying a warranty claim after a defect is discovered in goods supplied under the contract ) the question to ask is whether the time limit has been imposed from a genuine need to protect the other party 's position , or whether it is there to make it difficult , or practically impossible , for the other party to exercise its rights under the clause .
19 Others such as George Cadbury , who initiated Bournville Village in 1897 , and Joseph Rowntree who started New Earswick Village , York , in 1904 , experimented in creating model communities of houses built at prices which would enable them to be let at rents within the reach of working-class incomes .
20 The boats stop at places which were important in Rembrandt 's life where you can disembark and then continue the tour on a later boat .
21 Despite a very depressed North Sea market the disposals have been made at prices which compare favourably with those achieved for recent industry sales .
22 A fundamental challenge had been levelled at the settlement made at Troyes which had altered the line of succession to the crown of France .
23 Two of them , known as V and VI Æthelred , are in Old English ; a third ( VI Æthelred Lat. ) is in Latin , and contains important information on the procedure adopted at Enham which is absent from the others .
24 The punks are almost icons of modern life seen at Easter which is the beginning of the tourist season when Hastings comes to life .
25 You look at stat which I just ran this morning right ?
26 If you decided that you 're really only interested in long priced horses because you wanted win a large sum of money , so you only started looking at horses that were offered at fifty to one or longer odds than that , then if you look at the statistics then you 'll find that the rate of return on such bets is even lower than the rate of return that we 've quoted on football pools , but on the other hand if you look at horses which are offered , say , at odds-on or at very low odds , evens , two to one and things like that , then the rate of return is pretty close to a hundred per cent of your money .
27 It is his 81st , is dedicated to the pit communities for which he still cares so deeply even though the pits have all but vanished , and costs £1 for a miner 's sideways look at life which is probably no more .
28 This month we look at gardens which have a rustic appeal
29 Look at Osaka which suffered 121 fires and was still a success , or at Montreal which had a month-long transport strike but stunned the world , ’ said one Spanish official .
30 Oracle UK Ltd has won a 16-year contract with the British Army valued at £4m which will standardise all of the Army 's IT projects around the Oracle database .
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