Example sentences of "[verb] he had [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was Charlie 's worst nightmare , he had to go through the public humiliation of denying he had a drink problem and retreated from the court saying , ‘ I 've been found guilty so there 's nothing anyone can do .
2 When Count Philip of Flanders suspected that his wife had committed adultery with Gautier de Fontaines he had the young man killed by hanging him upside down in a cess-pit .
3 It seems a bit unlikely that Paul would use candles which he would know he had no right to use or that he would actually be involved in magic practices . ’
4 Joe went downstairs to have a word with the Beavis family , to let them know he had a young woman upstairs and why .
5 ‘ I did n't know he had a half-brother . ’
6 Did you know he had a glass eye ? ’
7 With a sort of tragic turn of fate , she did not know he had a mad wife .
8 But , he was horri the guy that was doing me did n't know he had a pair of a like off er yeah .
9 Item — the Prince had claimed he had no involvement in Lady Eleanor 's death but both he and his favourite appeared nervous .
10 ‘ We 'd only got as far as having a preliminary psyche dissection on Daine , ’ said Trefusis , ‘ but the Yggdrasil probes suggest he had a similar-although far more pronounced — set of personality deformities .
11 I expect he had a smooth stick for himself did he ?
12 When he moved he had the supple , easy grace of a big cat .
13 they mentioned he had an excellent game — and from the goals showed the scot goalkeeper could have done much better on two of the italian goals … specially the first one — a flat shot from far out and at an angle too .
14 Her friend came in and said ‘ Reach for the sky ’ and pretended he had a gun and she played along with him right up to the time they left together .
15 , who had felt perfectly well , was astonished to discover he had the early stages of tuberculosis .
16 Now that the moment had come he had no stomach for it .
17 built it and he built he had the Kirkwall Hotel , the Stenness Hotel and the Stromness Hotel and an hotel in in Shetland .
18 So somehow it was reassuring to find he had a sore throat when I saw him last Thursday .
19 He was going to find he had an enormously difficult job on his hands .
20 We found he had a whole store of out of door knowledge which he was quite ready to impart .
21 When the father turned 65 he gave up work , and ‘ at last he found he had a son , as later on in his old age I helped him and Mother all I could .
22 They did a DNA-fingerprint test and found he had a bus-load of people in him , linked it to some guy who was in the toilets under Centre Point the day before hiring rent boys but he did n't want the full business just wanted them to wank into this bottle thank you for your contribution young man every little bit helps going to a good home thank you mind how you go …
23 Carl Howard says he took it up at school and won … went on to county level and won and just found he had a natural talent … he 's always enjoyed sprinting and athletics
24 So he was operated on , and the vets found he had a misplaced colon , put it right and stitched him up .
25 As he stared back at her he found he had no answer .
26 Patrick then found he had no French money .
27 Pilots were to be Russ Boardman and Lee Gehlbach , but Boardman was injured prior to the race and Doolittle found he had no mount ( his landing gear had jammed ) , so he took over for the Thompson .
28 His robot companions were now to operate well away from him across a fairly large room and at key moments in the drama when there was an anticipatory silence from everyone else , he found he had the personal ‘ power ’ , and with some verbal style ( and a high degree of repressed excitement as he discovered he could be publicly effective ) he presented himself as an efficient robot controller .
29 He sneaked a look at her , and found he had an excellent view of the back of her head ; she was staring out of the passenger window at the darkening vista of St James 's Park .
30 But you say he had a ‘ Sadeian imagination ’ ?
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