Example sentences of "[verb] by the way " in BNC.

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1 She felt both shocked and outrageously delighted by the way their two bodies moulded so perfectly together .
2 Does he know by the way ? ’
3 It is extremely important at this stage to take unlimited amounts of time and trouble , as the success of your design will stand or fall by the way in which it is finished .
4 Now it was National Socialism or nothing — and the faint-hearts must fall by the way .
5 ‘ I watched the Kempton race on SIS , and was shattered by the way Her Honour ran .
6 His spirit was epitomised by the way he came charging in late on the final day , giving it everything he had , despite an unresponsive surface and the near-certainty that the match would finish in a draw .
7 Yet such evidence as there is suggests that his love for his wife had been deepened by the way she had stood by him during his years in prison .
8 Allied misgivings as to what might be the real meaning of Spanish " non-belligerence " were deepened by the way Spain appeared to be moving closer to the Axis in the autumn of 1940 .
9 They may be further exaggerated by the way the client communicates with others .
10 Only poor Webb , still in plaster but determined to be back in the side in time for Italy , can feel discouraged by the way he brought it off .
11 He was obviously not very well educated by the way he spoke , and he seemed very troubled and disgruntled by what had happened to him .
12 Many have already departed by the way of this terrible illness , no doubt others will follow before our present travail is over .
13 She paused , unnerved by the way he spoke and the words he chose .
14 say by the way Jim you could have fixed that boiler take everyone off the pipes
15 ‘ You did n't come to work by the way of the wharf walk this morning ? ’
16 Dave Herriot , now 67 , convener of shop stewards at Walkerburn when the mill crashed , said : ‘ Everyone has been sickened by the way the system has treated us .
17 So in practical terms of helping shoppers to make sound buying choices , the value of increased familiarity with APRs is somewhat curtailed by the way that people generally seem to equate it with the add-on cost of the credit .
18 turns round to you half way through the job and says by the way you must do this .
19 The government , it says , is letting Turkey 's fate be decided by the way the war turns out .
20 The church taught that the individual 's fate after death was primarily decided by the way he or she acted while on earth .
21 Many observers were disturbed by the way in which the high standards of service and integrity associated with the BBC as a public corporation were being compromised .
22 For some minutes now she had been disturbed by the way Beth was pacing to and fro in front of the great fireplace , a deeply thoughtful expression on her face , and her whole manner one of extreme agitation .
23 Maria hesitated , self-consciously aware of the stupidity of resistance now when their relationship was a fait accompli and irreversible , but disturbed by the way he was regarding her .
24 No , stop daddy , stop it , stop By the way this is a play .
25 ‘ NOW Arthur sends his Eagle to Shaftesbury to share with all the world a Message shaped by the Way of Healing experienced in Avalon and glorified by the Grace of Gaia 's planetary heart ’ — Passage from new book , Spheres of Destiny , The Shaftesbury Prophecy , by Robert Coon , which concludes that Shaftesbury is the energy centre of the Earth .
26 How does that feel by the way ? ’
27 It 's erm important to remember by the way
28 Another indication that our medieval forebears had very different standards from ours for recording the lapse of time is revealed by the way in which they dated their letters .
29 However , the prevailing hegemony of Catholic ideals is revealed by the way in which Marxism was initially received in Latin America .
30 Many of his characters actually represent a single idea or quality which is revealed by the way they dress or talk , for example , but some of his characters are just exaggerated deliberately , and an example of this would be pompous , insensitive , fat , Pumblechook .
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