Example sentences of "[verb] by [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Both slalom and course races can be won by sailing fast without any tactics .
2 The new knowledge is acquired through changes in the prices of resources and of products , brought about by the bids and offers of the entrepreneur-producers who are eagerly competing for the profits to be won by discovering where resource owners and consumers have ( in effect ) underestimated each other 's eagerness to buy or to sell .
3 A great writer can have , at a particular time , a pernicious or merely deadening influence ; and this influence can be most effectively attacked by pointing out those faults which ought not to be copied , and those virtues any emulation of which is anachronistic .
4 We will now solve problem P2 which is problem P1 of Section 11.1 modified by requiring only x 1 and x 2 to be integers .
5 A zebra , or antelope , could easily outrun a lion , and lions must therefore rely on stealth and the surprise attack ; carnivorous dogs , by contrast , hunt by running down their prey .
6 ‘ Demonstrate , Nicholson , ’ Mr Foggerty said hopefully , but Nicholson demonstrated by swimming away back to the deep end , mostly underwater where he was hard to see .
7 Also , although the band broadening referred to earlier can be minimized by using long , efficient columns , it may never be entirely eliminated .
8 A Martian viewing our race might wonder at our lemming-like ability to self-destruct by gobbling up nasty foods , smoking little chimneys and falling sideways as a result of consuming quantities of amber liquid .
9 The Library is grateful to readers who helped by filling in a questionnaire .
10 He helped by doing much of the specialist machining work and designing many of the one-off items needed to marry up the different parts .
11 They can be installed by taking out one layer of bricks ( so you 'll have to cut through a wall — make sure it 's suitable ! ) ; or they can be installed in a corner , or in an alcove , with a surrounded flat fascia , in which case you 'll need to build a timber framework to support the niche and hold the fascia .
12 The topic of deixis , or as philosophers usually prefer , indexical expressions ( or just indexicals ) , may be usefully approached by considering how truth-conditional semantics deals with certain natural language expressions .
13 He had been pacing the room with slow majestic energy ending by peering down through the venetian blind at Madison below .
14 Do you see the Aldershot method there you list then expand on each one saying why and then just summarise by listing again .
15 They can prove useful if used in conjunction with the undergravel filters , as a method of clearing water that has been clouded by feeding heavily for instance .
16 TYROSINE kinase receptors ( such as PDGF , EGF ) generate InsP 3 and DAG by interacting directly with PLC- γ1 , one of the PLC family members ( see below ) .
17 From the head of the lake the day 's walking finishes by crossing southwards over Burnmoor to Eskdale ( 4.5 miles ) .
18 Whether that was true is hard to say ; but the principle must surely be right that when people could profit by doing so , they accepted the benefits of government .
19 I am sure that the Minister is aware of the widespread concern about the threat to postal services that the Government are determined to impose by bringing in tin-pot competitors who will make the rural services a threatened species .
20 English Nature have responded by drawing up a lowland peatland policy , which includes commitments : , to oppose new planning applications for peat extraction on Sites of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI ) ; , to seek protection for SSSI sites which already have planning permission — by purchasing or leasing the site , providing grant aid for conservation management , or liaising with extractors to minimize damage ; , to support the development of alternatives to peat .
21 Since day one they have made changes in the restaurant , and the customers have responded by eating there more often .
22 Almost immediately , the birds in the angsana responded by flying out in a flock , showing what I took to be anxiety by sinking to the ground and then rapidly rising again .
23 Normally Artemis would have responded by kicking on and flying the raspers behind the leading group , for to her way of thinking there was no feeling like it in the world .
24 The Government had responded by setting up an interdepartmental committee under the chairmanship of Lord Justice James to review the distribution of criminal business between the Crown Court and the Magistrates ' courts .
25 The Confederation of British Industry responded by setting up its own task force , made up of leading industrialists .
26 Henry Skelton 's college responded by setting up a drugs working party involving students .
27 One city has responded by setting up a twenty-four hour response team to help people whose lives are being ruined by noisy neighbours .
28 The DPP responded by calling off plans to surround the building where the National Assembly was to meet for the election .
29 The children responded by making up their own problems for each other .
30 The government responded by carrying out mass arrests of pro-democracy activists , and by the end of February violent confrontations were taking place between demonstrators and the security forces .
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