Example sentences of "[verb] set [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Despite student impressions to the contrary , exams are not designed to set traps for unwary students .
2 The Department of Trade and Industry ( DTI ) Education and Enterprise Initiative has set targets for ten per cent of teachers each year to be seconded to industry and for all school leavers to spend at least two weeks on Work Experience .
3 The NCGA , supported by the Government Finance Officers ' Association , was concerned with state and local government ; the Council of State Governments was concerned with state government ; the General Accounting Office of the Federal Government has set standards for federal departments and agencies .
4 To achieve this they pursued tight monetary policies which in many cases involved setting targets for the growth in money supply .
5 In June 1989 , isolated in the European Community and under pressure from Cabinet ministers , she agreed to set conditions for British entry to the EMS .
6 The first would be used to set targets for improved river quality based on six " use " classes ; fisheries ecosystem , abstraction for drinking supply , abstracting for agricultural and industrial use , water sports , commercial farming of fish and shellfish , and special ecosystem ( i.e. specific areas for the purposes of nature conservation ) .
7 There is an urgent need for more socioeconomic information in this field to help set guidelines for the future .
8 The librarian and the teachers will have to set priorities for information use and these priorities are likely to include 1 ) The availability of a flexible , easy to use information retrieval system , often called a database management system ( DBMS ) which will allow the creation of a very large database ( e.g. OPAC ) or smaller curriculum-related databases ( see Chapter 5 ) .
9 It is a virtual certainty that the developed world will have to set standards for itself , probably through commitments within the ECE or OECD framework , before attempting the infinitely difficult problem of persuading the South to join it in global agreements .
10 Within six months , every local education authority will have to set targets for steadily increasing nursery and childcare services .
11 So it is that for Douglas MacBain it is a clearly defined aim to consider setting targets for numbers of churches to be planted in the coming decade and to work to facilitate this .
12 Said Lewis : ‘ I have to keep setting goals for myself and that 's why I would like to fight Tyson .
13 Almost as soon as they took to the air , other invertebrates — the spiders — started setting traps for them .
14 These groups , which would be multidisciplinary , would aim to set priorities for research .
15 Delegates at the UN in Geneva had hoped to set standards for every aspect of environment and development .
16 This involves setting targets for money supply into the future , and then using monetary policy to ensure that these targets are met .
17 This involves setting targets for the growth of the money supply : the approach adopted in the Thatcher government 's medium-term financial strategy of the early 1980s that we looked at in Chapter 17 .
18 The home had set times for the toilet : 9am , 3pm , and 9pm .
19 Nevertheless the government continued setting targets for a reduction in PSBR .
20 It is still there , and , periodically , repressed material returns to set problems for man which remain unresolved , left over from the first parricide .
21 The four groups have joined forces to form the Ulster Karate Council , and have set dates for unofficial provincial championships in October .
22 Apart from those recommendations relating to fiscal measures , which are a matter for my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer , we have set targets for action on every one of the recommendations — and we shall report again on progress in six months .
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