Example sentences of "[verb] long [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 They can survive long periods of drought encased in mud , until the next rainy season .
2 It extends in places up to a metre or so above the level of the reef flat due to the fact that Porolithon can survive in the splash and spray zone and does not need long periods of immersion .
3 Howard also has long experience of developing and presenting courses and training programmes to computer professionals , managers and users .
4 The Survey has long experience of research in radiogeochemistry and is well fitted , at this time of growing public concern about radon hazard , to provide radon surveys and other related radiometric services .
5 In autumn , just as the leaves change colour , Austria has long periods of fine settled weather , with long sunny days and mild temperatures .
6 Lepidodendron has many spiral rows of lozenge-shaped leaf scars , while Sigillaria has long rows of elliptical scars ; both are very common fossils in association with coal measures .
7 The garden hybrid N. x faassenii , has long spikes of light lavender-coloured flowers , with a second flowering in autumn , if the faded spikes are removed immediately after flowering .
8 I am coming more and more to the view that the evolution of life , like the evolution of continents and of the stratigraphical column in general , has been a very episodic affair , with short " happenings " interrupting long periods of nothing much in particular .
9 The woman used long needles of bone to stitch the parts of her son together again .
10 Nkrumah continued to despatch long letters of brotherly advice to the Prime Minister of the Congo but the situation had passed beyond both of them .
11 The machairs , gently undulating shell sand deposits , and their associated dune systems cover about 120 square kilometres and occupy long stretches of the western sea-board of South Uist , Benbecula and North Uist .
12 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
13 It also needs long periods of ecological stability during which evolutionary epochs can bring about the necessary organic synthesis .
14 If the designer has longer blocks of selected or unselected needles , the floats of weaving yarn will also be longer .
15 The early release of prisoners serving long sentences of determinate duration was supported , although in the same way as the Longford report to the Labour Party eighteen months before , the policy group added a proviso that the Home Secretary should in all cases consult an advisory body before doing so .
16 presumably those horses do n't do long spells of that sort
17 By 1907 rheumatoid arthritis had almost crippled her and she suffered long periods of inactivity , but refused either to move to the comfort of Duke Town or to return to Britain .
18 The bats which use the Doppler effect emit long bursts of sound .
19 I think that only by maximising long periods of REM , or dream sleep , will we be able to summon up this demon of yours .
20 I can see long lines of messenger-pigeons
21 Well aright I 'm k I 've just had long had long memories of the .
22 Their chemical and isotopic compositions are meteoritic and they have had long histories of flight through space .
23 Some families in difficulties appear to have had long histories of problems , and often the parents themselves have suffered a difficult childhood .
24 Some acupuncturists find that they can not treat patients who have had long courses of antibiotic therapy until several months after this treatment has finished .
25 Their behaviour was at times appalling ; when little they would spend long stretches of each class on the floor behind the benches , playing with bits of mercury , pricking it with needles and pen nibs , watching it slip into the coarse splintery cracks of the dusty floorboards , and forcing it out again , marvelling at the way it shrugged the dirt off its rounded shoulders .
26 Without ACET 's practical support at home they could spend long periods of time in hospital unnecessarily .
27 If you have a deep relationship with a person you can spend long periods of silence , being together and not be embarrassed , not be wondering what shall I say now ?
28 There are famous figures , Churchill at Chartwell , Kipling at Bateman 's and Wolfe at Quebec House , and wonderful views — over the rolling Weald from Emmetts , the highest point in Kent , and of France from South Foreland Lighthouse — and do n't forget the Trust protects long lengths of coastline including 4.5 miles of the famous White Cliffs , as well as acres of open countryside and woodland where everyone can walk completely free of charge .
29 If there is a steady downward drift in the average temperature in the area , a drift that persists over centuries , successive generations of animals will be propelled by a steady selection ‘ pressure ’ in the direction , say , of growing longer coats of hair .
30 Two-term double modules are used mostly in humanities and social sciences and give longer periods of study for students over broader subject areas .
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