Example sentences of "[verb] become [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Other cells especially sensitive to light became vestigial eyes , and those susceptible to vibrations became hearing organs , and so on .
2 It 's not long before an ex who in reality was a size-12 middle manager who played badminton and cooked a moderately engaging moussaka has become Super Ex — the international top model and cordon bleu squash champion with a masters degree in astrophysics .
3 Scott replaced former marketing director Ian Kennedy , who has become general manager for indirect business channels within the company .
4 Meanwhile SunPics has recruited Lalita Tademy from Alps Electric ( USA ) as its new vice president and general manager , replacing Bill Marr who has become vice president , US sales at Sun Microsystems .
5 It would not be difficult to show that the phrase ‘ the Rule of Law ’ has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general over-use .
6 This is not just of interest to professional politicians or academic specialists ; local government has become front-page news , its leading politicians such as Ken Livingstone , David Blunkett and Derek Hatton have been catapulted to national fame and the local-central government conflict detailed in Chapter 4 has been a major issue in three successive general elections .
7 Technology and the Future of Work — crystallises many of his most radical ideas and has become compulsory reading , particularly in the corridors of his new department .
8 Louis Montrose , who has become New Historicism 's most eloquent theoretical exponent , has described the self-critical awareness which prompts a new relation between texts and history as based on :
9 Even chewing gum has become New Age — witness ginseng , that sine qua non of the Sixties spaced-out set , now available in chewing gum format from health stores .
10 This postponement of examination until completion has become normal practice and the use of epitomes of title when photocopies are supplied has reduced the procedure , in most cases , to a matter of minutes .
11 In just a few short years the throwline has become standard equipment for white water paddlers .
12 In what has become standard concern to make reparation to the Church in Russia , the authorities involved failed to think of the now homeless books .
13 It has become standard practice to picture the two cultures as standing in the most acute opposition at that time .
14 It has become usual practice for record companies to advance bands some money to underwrite the costs of these first tours .
15 What was once muscle has become plaited wood , frayed and plaited wood .
16 Consideration of the effects of stress in the workplace has meant that for many employers the workaholic has become bad news .
17 The close identity between fans and their club has weakened as football has become big business and as the players , who were once from the same working-class community as the fans , have become rich superstars .
18 Rugby has become big business and a spectator sport .
19 Criminal legal aid has become big business for lawyers .
20 The water industry has become big business .
21 The various Telethon type appeals have raised more than 50 million pounds in the past year and charitable giving has become big business and highly organised .
22 Over the last 30 years , research has become big business , and has been a key element in the formation of new academic disciplines .
23 Charity has become big business .
24 In fact , as film-makers have moved out of the studio and on to location , to achieve more realistic impressions of dramatic situations , the attraction of on-location filming into cities and regions has become big business .
25 It has become big business with a huge amount of money riding on the outcome . ’
26 Violent censorship has become common place and journalists in Zaire who attempt to convey the truth are in constant fear for their lives .
27 The scientists who man the climatological observation posts are less cautious than they used to be now that the general theory of climate change has become common property ; government servants are more confident and outspoken ; and , while scepticism remains , no cabinet minister is likely to denounce the theory and the accompanying evidence as hysterical .
28 It has become common form to invoke the magic names of the French theorists , as if the names alone would cause a torpid academic establishment to collapse .
29 By 1987 Wilmink was able to conclude that the Act ‘ has had a stimulating effect on the development of plans for the construction of bicycle tracks ’ and that ‘ attention to bicycle facilities in all stages of planning , design and maintenance of the infrastructure has become common practice . ’
30 Unfortunately this latter function is very difficult to generate using simple analogue circuits , So it has become common practice to approximate the velocity profile by linear ramp functions [ Figs. 8.8 ( b , c ) ] .
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