Example sentences of "[verb] tell you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I expect he has told you of the tragedy ? ’
2 It 's strange the way Chinese Whispers start about certain guitars ; by the time the umpteenth person has told you about the amazing instrument that they 've seen , you begin to be very sceptical about whether anything can be as outrageous as described …
3 One of my dealers has told you about these … shares .
4 ‘ I expect Claudia has told you about Berenice , ’ Roman said , sharply cutting across Dana 's self-satisfaction .
5 ‘ Oh , my brother Stair — I am sure that Matey has told you about Stair — invited me out tonight to the stag party of one of his friends ; I used to know him slightly .
6 And not only that , I 've come to tell you about Jesus who loves you , too . ’
7 I 've come to tell you about him .
8 This leaflet is designed to tell you about the Association and how to join .
9 Try coping with a party of underprivileged schoolchildren from a housing estate in Manchester with a near-hysterical social worker , a ghetto blaster and some crisp bags to sniff glue , two glum shaven-headed squaddies with flatulence , and a computer programmer from Maidstone who wants to tell you about why his promotion fell through , and then with one eye twitching , accuses you of having stolen his processed cheese .
10 Er in fact most of the radiation we get in fact is not from nuclear power , it 's from erm man made sourc it 's from , from natural sources eighty seven percent of the population as an average comes from our natural environment a lot comes from radon gas erm a small amount of radioactivity in our food erm we were discussing at er er lunch in , in fact the benefits of , of eating er low sodium salt salt is meant to be bad for you so the health er er er freaks say and it 's the sodium , therefore you should buy low sodium salt which is calcium chloride rather than sodium chloride what they forget to tell you of course is that potassium er sorry it 's , it 's potassium chloride rather than er than s than sodium chloride , what they forget , forget to tell you of course is that potassium is slightly radioactive it contains erm a small amount of , of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium so you get a small dose of radiation er to compensate for the fact you are n't eating any sodium .
11 Er in fact most of the radiation we get in fact is not from nuclear power , it 's from erm man made sourc it 's from , from natural sources eighty seven percent of the population as an average comes from our natural environment a lot comes from radon gas erm a small amount of radioactivity in our food erm we were discussing at er er lunch in , in fact the benefits of , of eating er low sodium salt salt is meant to be bad for you so the health er er er freaks say and it 's the sodium , therefore you should buy low sodium salt which is calcium chloride rather than sodium chloride what they forget to tell you of course is that potassium er sorry it 's , it 's potassium chloride rather than er than s than sodium chloride , what they forget , forget to tell you of course is that potassium is slightly radioactive it contains erm a small amount of , of a naturally occurring radioactive potassium so you get a small dose of radiation er to compensate for the fact you are n't eating any sodium .
12 I sha n't be telling you all about these men , but it does give you some idea , the way we were , the chorus , the bit players in this romance which is what I really want to tell you about .
13 I 'm glad you called , " Lorne went on weirdly , " because I want to tell you about another new idea I 've gotten .
14 I 'm not really used to being so personal or so open about things in public but want to tell you of my great sadness in life .
15 It means , it 's the new system where as you 're driving along , whatever you 're listening to it automatically interrupts to tell you of any urgent road delays .
16 They 've given me a major interrogation — I 'd told you about the Englishman — that 's what I should have been working on , not an idiot fire .
17 If I 'd told you about the entry earlier on it might have lulled you into a false sense of complacency .
18 I did n't want you to find the letter before I 'd told you about it . ’
19 Just thought I 'd told you for cos from the erm , title i , you would n't think it was about the navy .
20 ‘ I 've been wanting to tell you for ages , but I could n't while you were so worried .
21 Dear Sir , I 'm just writing to tell you about the fun we had when everyone saw Albie 's ( Mr Misery ) photo in the Echo .
22 Why could n't you ask about tulips I could 've told you about .
23 Now erm you will already know and I certainly would 've told you on the phone that er you are not responsible for setting the assignments up .
24 All she forgot to tell you about was the killing of forty-seven Jews . ’
25 I am going to tell you of two glimpses that have retained their clarity for me over the years while important and famous things have faded .
26 We are not going to tell you about our eating habits .
27 Erm I do recognise some faces , I know some of you recognise me and eh cos we 've done quite a lot of things together , but this afternoon what I 'm going to tell you about is how I fit in with Council , I do n't think any of you know that or know what the Local Government Unit is .
28 But what I was going to tell you about this loan and I was there on this Friday morning when we were drawing our money , and the men were bringing their their s life savings to lend to the union .
29 ‘ I 'm not going to tell you about it over the phone .
30 I 'm not going to tell you about it all .
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