Example sentences of "[verb] only [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Er weddin' dress 'ad been run up for 'er by Mrs Stuart that 'ad only just give up 'er job workin' for a dressmaker in Shoreditch .
2 Software Transformation 's technology provides a framework of software programming tools that is claimed to transcend differences in graphical user interfaces and varied operating system characteristics such as memory allocation and file systems so that applications need be developed only once to run on a variety of systems — currently Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh , Microsoft Corp 's Windows , Novell and Univel Inc 's UnixWare and Unixes from Digital Equipment Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and Sun Microsystems Inc , with versions for OS/2 , AIX and NT on the way .
3 Software Transformation 's technology provides a framework of software programming tools that is claimed to transcend differences in graphical user interfaces and varied operating system characteristics such as memory allocation and file systems so that applications need be developed only once to run on a variety of systems — currently Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh , Microsoft Corp 's Windows , Novell and Univel Inc 's UnixWare and Unixes from Digital Equipment Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and Sun Microsystems Inc , with versions for OS/2 , AIX and NT on the way .
4 The abolition of the wager of law in 1833 caused some revival in detinue but in view of the expansion of conversion , detinue only really remained necessary where the defendant was unable to redeliver the goods .
5 What is the difference between a candidate who performs inadequately , though he tackles quite difficult questions , and one who performs well though he tackles only specially selected easy questions , questions that do not for example raise any issue about linear or non-linear , progressive or retrogressive change ?
6 Only I want Only just get me a tin of hair lacquer , normal hold for tinted that 's all I want .
7 If errors occurred only within Delete Old Modules , the safe copies of the database files should be restored to the process directory and the LIFESPAN system may be restarted — it will be in its previous state , and it should be possible for work on the system to continue .
8 A district army commander in a small outpost 10 miles west of Kampot town admitted last month that the mines his troops had planted at the foot of the mountains were designed only partly to defend their position .
9 A woman on the dole in a Sunderland sink estate tells me she has only voluntarily paid rent for two weeks in three years .
10 But the railway station has only tardily gained recognition for its contribution both to the railway system in particular and to culture and society in general .
11 For both occupational strata female employees earn about 60 per cent of the wages of their male counterparts , and this discrimination against and exploitation of women 's labour has only marginally decreased through legislation such as the Equal Pay Act of 1970 .
12 It also enables management to anticipate both beneficial and adverse trends before the event or take evasive action when the evidence of an emerging problem has only just presented itself .
13 Planning permission was granted two months ago but the generating company , National Power , has only just decided to go ahead .
14 Strongly independent all his life , John Granger did n't let blindness change his lifestyle , and although now in his nineties has only just moved into a sheltered flat in Oxford .
15 Now twenty-four , she came to London originally from Gloucestershire , and has only just moved ‘ south of the river ’ to start a new job .
16 — Clearly the words ‘ Now I am seeing this as apex ’ can not so far mean anything to a learner who has only just met the concepts of apex , base and so on — But I do not mean this as empirical proposition .
17 The computer evidence problem has only just arisen .
18 In most European countries insider dealing has only just become an offence , thanks to a 1989 European Community directive .
19 But the horridly fascinating subtlety of the mite 's means of infestation has only just become clear , thanks to Dr Nigel Franks and colleagues at the University of Bath , who have been studying infested colonies in observation nests .
20 Ms Bhutto has only just survived a vote of no confidence by the opposition , when her slim and wavering majority was cut by half , partially because of the defection of four of the tribal members to opposition benches .
21 No longer in the calendar with a prime week of its own , an event which has only just survived this year through a last minute rescue sponsorship package , will hardly be able to reduce its prize money in 1993 from the $1m it already pays to the Double-Up new minimum of $625,000 , even though it will no longer be guaranteed even one of the top ten ranked or other leading box office players .
22 The suggestion of a silver thread among the dark men in green makes Gus appear a distinguished elder statesmen , far too distinguished-looking for a man who has only just reached 29 .
23 THE Queen 's cousin , Sir Angus Oglivy , has bought himself an early Christmas present — a Zike , the invention launched last summer by Sir Clive Sinclair but which has only just reached the shops at £499 .
24 The program has only just reached the material development loop , but it is nonetheless quite useful to look at its progress and comment on the development so far .
25 My son has only just reached his majority , and I understand he is in no immediate financial need .
26 BRITAIN 'S ‘ greenest ’ car is the Subaru Vivio 660cc which has only just gone on sale .
27 But the story has only just begun .
28 It has only just begun .
29 ‘ Down To Earth ’ will prove that she has not only mastered here medium , but that she has only just begun .
30 Paco has only just begun to speak openly of reincarnation : ‘ The time has come when the Seventh Sea is going to open . ’
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