Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun sg] [num] " in BNC.

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1 The first was to complete the new science block next to the existing school in a design which mirrors its Grade 11 listed architecture .
2 Digital Equipment Corp is apparently gearing up to launch its VAXft 810 fault-tolerant box , originally due in August , sometime in the first quarter : DEC has merged its fault-tolerant development unit into the general Alpha-VAX Systems operation .
3 And in one case study Cecchetti ( 1986 ) has shown that the news-stand price of magazines has been very rigid ( Reader 's Digest changed its price six times between 1950 and 1980 ) .
4 As a child you do n't know what to do : a child should be able to trust its mother 100 per cent .
5 The Australian Unix Users Group is staging its AUUG 1993 conference and exhibition at the Sydney Convention Centre September 28–30 .
6 As the campaign entered its final 24 hours , the main parties returned to their central themes : the economy for the Conservatives and the health service for Labour .
7 Without losing any of its strategic importance , the north Atlantic is , however , seeing its number one position eroded by buoyant import and export traffic between Europe and the Far East .
8 Solbourne will detail its SPECint 92 ratings for one , four and eight processors as 993 , 3615 and 6442 respectively and its SPECfp as 1215 , 4621 and 8678 also respectively .
9 Since the Commission confirmed its objective 2 list in 1989 , most of the assisted areas and some others have benefited under the RESIDER , RECHAR and RENAVAL schemes .
10 As reported ( UX No 411 ) , Corollary Inc , Irvine , California , will provide its C-bus II multiprocessor bus architecture and Symmetric Integrated Multiprocessor Logic chipset for SNI 's multiprocessor .
11 Lotus , for instance , has been enhancing its DOS 1-2-3 products with features borrowed from the Windows world .
12 Having been closed out of the Pentium/NT market until the chip appears , Corollary Inc is back dusting off its 80486/Unix technology and enhancing its Cbus 1 product , making it meaningful for 486DX2s , adding 1Mb of cache at each CPU and going with the latest symmetric APICs .
13 Sequent Computer Systems Inc figures it will be seeing $30m over the next eight years from selling its Symmetry 2000/750 and 450 machines to the US Department of Veteran Affairs as part of a multi-vendor team led by systems integrator Federal Data Corporation .
14 Recalling its Resolution 44/124 A and B of Dec. 18 , 1989 [ see p. 37434 ] , the Assembly adopted Resolution 45/78 on Dec. 12 .
15 Persistence Software Inc , based in San Mateo , California , will be releasing its Persistence 1.0 C++ application development tools in beta in September with commercial ships due for October .
16 It has to extend its search one stage beyond the point where it finds the best path , in order to check that it is the best .
17 Digital Equipment Corp is having problems getting its Alpha 3000/500 RISC machines into Poland because export licences are still required for high-performance RISC technology under CoCom regulations : but as there are not any fully-working Polish language applications , there are n't many takers in the country anyway .
18 But the general satisfaction with close and successful cooperation evident through the easy , harmonious transfer of responsibility from the District to the Cambridge Board of the Bedfordshire scheme in 1930 began to evaporate when in the following year , the Cambridge Board asked the District to cede its Chapter III providing powers in rural Cambridgeshire to the Board .
19 Why not adopt the same approach to the bird who shows no distress and , lacking self-consciousness , is incapable of considering its position one way or the other ?
20 Any one of the souls to whom we give succour its worth ten like you .
21 Although it was not appreciated at the time when the Japanese swept away the administration , the power and the remaining claims to sovereignty of the French in Indochina , the Second World War in Asia had entered its final six months .
22 Pyramid offers 24 processors , but chose the 20 processor limit to run its Oracle 7 benchmarking figures , released last year ( UX No 407 ) .
23 Wang Laboratories says it plans to file its Chapter 11 reorganisation plan with the US Bankruptcy Court on March 16 , promising then to reveal its ‘ vision of the future . ’
24 Digital Pixel has introduced its System 2000 which is a fully integrated digital quantitative imaging system based on high performance CCD technology .
25 Meanwhile , Powersoft Corp is to interface its PowerBuilder 3.0 environment with a Windows version of Encina , allowing users to build PowerBuilder PC clients for Encina-based distributed OLTP environments .
26 The cycling marathon will reach its conclusion two weeks and 1,150 miles later in Manchester .
27 His subsequent career has been a switchback which reached its nadir five years ago , when Thomas Hearns produced a devastating right to the chin to knock him out and send him into retirement .
28 THE NOVELISTIC story of The Rolling Stones and Altamont , a tale so glamorously awful it took its author 15 years to recover enough to write it .
29 It has to shed its skin four or five times to allow it to grow bigger .
30 The company 's also announced its flagship eight hundred range built at Cowley has now taken number one position in the UK luxury car market .
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