Example sentences of "[verb] see through [art] " in BNC.

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1 The leader is in good health and , in Maginnis 's opinion , should stay to see through the current phase — at least until the Government agrees to a select committee for Northern Ireland , whether or not there is any devolution .
2 I do n't need to see through the sheet to know that Anya 's flushed brick red , and that her eyes are fixed on somewhere quite far to the east of the Walthamstow marshes .
3 He tried to see through the net curtain but he could see nothing .
4 She twisted herself and tried to see through the buckled plate again .
5 He tittered nervously as he tried to see through the glare of the flames .
6 I think I need a man older than myself because I always seem to see through the boys I meet .
7 Mr Major praised his work yesterday and , in a reply to Mr Garel-Jones , said : ‘ It is characteristic of you to wish to see through the legislation you have been working on , and it is what your colleagues would have expected of you .
8 The official story had always been that Greg was simply a close family friend , but a child could have seen through the pretence and she had not been a child for a very long time , perhaps not since that long-ago night when she was four years old and had stood , unseen , outside a bedroom door …
9 I warrant none but myself will have seen through the deception .
10 ‘ As you seem to have seen through the subterfuge from the very first moment , why did you agree to this trip ? ’
11 The mist was now so dense it was more like a sea fog , the humidity very high and the sweat dripping from my forehead as I leaned forward , my eyes straining to see through the murk .
12 And as I made my way past those bedrooms , I had seen through a doorway Miss Kenton 's figure , silhouetted against a window , turn and call softly : ‘ Mr Stevens , if you have a moment . ’
13 Being cradled against her mother 's soft warm body , Dot tried to feel like a baby , to remember what she had seen through the crack in the double doors as Gloria had cradled Baby against her while the nurses gathered round with protective outstretched arms .
14 At an early age , Ybreska had seen through the myth and realized that money was the sole power which kept the Earth turning .
15 Some were recognisably of those she had seen through the windows .
16 In " Inside the Whale " George Orwell described how the post-war group of writers , Pound , Joyce , Eliot and Lewis ( who have since been described as the " modernists " ) were united by their pessimism : unlike men such as George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells , they had seen through the ideals and systems of the late nineteenth century which had come to such a smash in the early decades of the twentieth .
17 She had seen through the glass booth how flustered I was .
18 Unfortunately for him , Rory had seen through the bluster within minutes of their first meeting , though she 'd faithfully promised to keep his secret .
19 She knew from the frequent worried glances the other woman sent in her direction that Candy had seen through the act , but she 'd managed with some effort to avoid her , always finding some pretext to disappear in the opposite direction whenever Candy appeared on the horizon .
20 ‘ Then since you have seen through the deception , my lord — ’ Joan saw Elizabeth Mowbray 's gaze upon her and lowered her voice still further ‘ — methinks I should leave forthwith . ’
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