Example sentences of "[verb] see he [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Almost twenty years alter the incident Coleridge was persuaded by Byron to publish the poem , and he then made the sensational claim that he had been able to remember 200 to 300 lines of perfect poetry when he had awoken from a drug-induced sleep , and was busy writing them down when he was interrupted by someone from Porlock demanding to see him on business .
2 After spying him through the kitchen window with Mrs Files , so much himself , so much not Francis , I thought I did n't want to see him at all .
3 ‘ What the hell do you want to see him for ? ’ asked Brown .
4 The German and French leaders told the Prime Minister they did not want to see him in the run up to the Edinburgh summit , which begins on Friday .
5 Foreigners tend to see him as a ‘ whingeing pom , brit etc. ’ and do not like the program .
6 For weeks he was the trouble of my dreams and it took real courage to go to see him in Attila the Hun .
7 Trade supremo Michael Heseltine , whose supporters want to see him in Mr Lamont 's job , was even more lavish in his praise .
8 Since the war both groups have come to see him as an unnecessary evil .
9 It suddenly crossed my mind that perhaps he thought I had come to see him on a professional level , that I was in need of spiritual help or whatever .
10 They held him in a detention camp for three months , the Germans , and then the officers had come to see him from the SS .
11 ‘ Have you … tried to see him in hospital ? ’
12 She had n't really expected to see him at the funeral , though she had looked forward to the possibility with unseemly excitement considering the solemnity of the occasion .
13 I have n't spoken to Mr Boldwood since the autumn , when I promised to see him at Christmas , so I 'll have to go .
14 One , an older school , has seen him as a noble if embattled statesman .
15 Nobody has seen him since that day .
16 Charles put on a brave face to the world , but secretly he was in turmoil for many , many months ; and one other person who helped see him through this period was Diana .
17 They drove to see him at the Chapel of Repose .
18 It is said that a deputation of quarrymen came to see him with a view to getting a trade union recognised .
19 Though unable to sally out to sample the night life , Stirling was not alone , as he had a constant stream of visitors with whom he discussed his ideas , including Jock Lewes who came to see him before departing for Tobruk .
20 ‘ Well , give my love to cousin George and say we 'll expect to see him at Cumbermound for the show on Sunday .
21 ‘ We would expect to see him in a couple of warm-up fights , certainly someone in the top 10 , before he fights Mike Tyson again , if that is to happen , ’ said Morris .
22 She 'd seen him with another woman when he was supposed to be away at a conference .
23 He was buoyant today , but also edgy and more authoritative than I 'd seen him for ages , when mostly he 'd been gloomy and sulky .
24 A SUPERMARKET assistant recognised a man who tried to pay for goods with a stolen credit card — because she 'd seen him as a strippergram .
25 He went to where he 'd seen him by the fence and looked down towards the woodpile .
26 Lucy reckoned that , for the man in charge , he had some staggeringly dull tasks to handle ; she 'd seen him in the stockroom once , counting every bottle in every crate of tonic water .
27 I 'd seen him in the Feathers , surly in his own corner of the Snug , not liked by , not liking , the other villagers .
28 Oh fine , yet Jo was just saying on the phone there that she 'd seen him in a catalogue .
29 I thought I 'd seen him before somewhere .
30 I tried to think of when I 'd seen him after that , apart from when we got our degrees — him proud and posing for the family album , me drunk and disorderly .
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