Example sentences of "[verb] out in [det] " in BNC.

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1 But , as Jessop shows , by insisting on the plurality of forces around the state and also arguing that the ruling class must always win out in any politics which flow from this conflict .
2 Nevertheless , 1993 will see a number of opportunities opening out in both new geographical markets in South East Asia and West Africa and also as a result of our recently introduced Orion satellite positioning system .
3 Is it not shameful that Britain should opt out in that way ?
4 As a result of this activity , a three-dimensional model of a tin mine can take on the appearance of a twisted mass of petrified spaghetti with shafts and tunnels splaying out in all directions .
5 During the last few years , we have begun to learn something of these mothers ' true feelings from the women who suffered the regime at first hand : what stands out in such accounts is the emotion which is still generated in the mother by her own memories .
6 The car 's fifteen years old , it stands out in all weathers , and the undercoat 's still intact . ’
7 Prominence is the related psychological notion : Halliday defines it simply as " the general name for the phenomenon of linguistic highlighting , whereby some linguistic feature stands out in some way " . "
8 One building stands out in this dispiriting panorama of post-war mediocrity : a dark powerful mass of brickwork with a tall central tower that stands right across the Thames from Wren 's dome .
9 Maybe it was because they thought it was dangerous to stand out in any way from the crowd , in case fate was tempted to drop a crate on their heads .
10 The reason it 's come out in this way is that you had the debate on the er original proposals for this extra money which did n't go as was recommended er and you made a decision on that and then later in the agenda , and I ca n't find the , the exact point now but you had a discussion and a suggestion was made and agreed that if there was any money left over investigations should be made and that the surveyor should give erm consideration Madam Chairman to using any of that , perhaps for a camera , and that was agreed , and it is noted somewhere , and that 's what Mr has done .
11 Thi this is something which has come out in several places I do n't know whether the members noted it , erm the er it also touches on , on , on what my colleague said earlier and the item in paragraph V er the assumption of the demand remain much as it is , heavily towards the South East particularly Gatwick .
12 As far as the leg , as far as getting the the flue sorted out in this , how long do you reckon it 'll take ?
13 Now the way it 's sorted out in this competition is that er it 's points first , if two teams are level on points then it 's the number of goals scored , then it 's goal difference and if they 're all level after that then it 's drawing lots and the top team in the group have a home game in round two and the team that finishes runners up are away in round two .
14 Although her pallor and her drawn features aged her , Wycliffe had the impression of a little girl caught out in some childish fault .
15 Despite being picked out in this way there were still failures and difficulties .
16 ‘ Give me a chance to prove myself , Mrs Smelley , and then you would n't ‘ ave to come out in all weathers , when you suddenly discover you 've taken more bookin 's than you expected . ’
17 ‘ There 's a need for a national investigation into why these figures seem to come out in this way , not just within Strathclyde , but within Britain , ’ he said .
18 ‘ My own feeling would be , ’ Theodora said crisply , ‘ that it might help us to find out in more detail what Paul 's movements were immediately before his death .
19 ‘ We want to find out in more detail how severe the bone loss is , what factors protect against it , and what factors make it worse . ’
20 Or at any rate , with higher education as sketched out in this book ?
21 Long-term training in depth may be carried out in many different ways , depending on the character and means of the aspirant .
22 In taxonomic botany , for instance , research is carried out in many institutions world-wide , rather than within national frontiers .
23 Direct field observations of professional and paraprofessional social service personnel at work and in training were carried out in each country .
24 The sheriff of Cumberland received orders to see that the Council 's commands were carried out in all respects .
25 Both endoscopic ultrasound and computed tomography were carried out in all patients .
26 His trip was a mark of recognition for the humanitarian work being carried out in former Yugoslavia by 2,500 British troops in Operation Grapple and countless civilians co-ordinating and delivering aid .
27 There seems to be no escape from the fact that work substitutes will be needed to preserve society as we know it , carried out in such a way as to preserve particular countries ' economic viability .
28 Screening for Cryptosporidium should be routinely carried out in such children .
29 Even capacity expansion co-operation has been carried out in such a way as to allow substantial continued internal competition and even greater market share changes than occurred in the United States .
30 No longer would he have to pin all his hopes on the random burglaries that he 'd carried out in that first couple of days , none of which had turned up anything better than a shotgun or a low-calibre target weapon ; those were useless for his purpose , and he 'd left them where he 'd found them .
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