Example sentences of "[verb] out [noun] after " in BNC.

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1 Another empty day with none of the jobs she had carried out day after day for so long that filled her time with things she enjoyed .
2 It was tough on the aircrews though , going out night after night to drop bombs on targets they could n't see through the murk and the searchlights , but perhaps this very impersonality kept them going — that and the fact that they were young and usually had a few days between each mission when they could recuperate in the relative peace and tranquility of the English countryside .
3 This promise he deliberately and ruthlessly broke , going out night after night in 1917 and hurling his load , punches , matrices and type , into the Thames from Hammersmith Bridge , 2 on one occasion missing a barge by inches .
4 ‘ The rescue services are still trying to put out fires after five and a half hours .
5 Ford dismissed an immediate meeting with the unions but did not rule out talks after Christmas .
6 Later John Smith made Messrs Lamont and Major visibly squirm and reduced the Tory back-benchers to silence when he read out quote after quote from the Conservatives pledging not to extend VAT .
7 There was a vast murmur of duck-talk on the lake as he made out group after group , some in the water and some on the banks , busy and preoccupied with feeding .
8 A fire broke out minutes after take-off ; the pilot reportedly called the control tower at Jeddah airport and was told to dump his fuel and return , but the plane crashed a kilometre from the runway and burst into flames .
9 The boys went out night after night and some did not return .
10 Although my efforts would make Mr Walt Disney cringe , they were popular enough with the children of Navan , and I was soon handing out picture after picture — all free , courtesy of Navan shopping centre .
11 I 've cut out coffee after lunch and almost do n't smoke at all .
12 But Kirillov has himself pointedly ruled out life after death : ‘ the laws of nature did not spare even Him ’ — Jesus , that is .
13 But what gets left out time after time are the experiences of the rest of the team — the men and women at every level of the company whose contributions to the company created the success that the CEO so eagerly claims .
14 Not content with being obsessive about failed British pop performers like Belouis Some and Matt Fretton ( who , as they will always tell you , were ‘ big in Japan ’ ) , these star victims get all steamed up about their own home-grown talent-free singers , which the record companies churn out year after year .
15 Hanif , meanwhile , has been chained to his desk since his mid-teens hammering out novel after novel , all of which are rejected by publishers .
16 Meg sat over her letter for nearly an hour , crossing out line after line , and neatly copying her final version like a schoolchild .
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