Example sentences of "[verb] up with [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But this all gets mixed up with motivation too : the horse must be motivated to learn .
2 okay , do n't say blue , because otherwise you 'll get it mixed up with asphyxia
3 In Canaan , prostitution and fertility rites were all mixed up with worship .
4 ‘ We 've confirmed that Tolby was almost certainly mixed up with Devenish .
5 We sat in one of those lounges that are part of a huge bar area and the windows were misted up with condensation ; when you rubbed them you still could n't see much because of all the rain dripping down outside .
6 If only it were n't so cluttered up with oil installations , it would be so lovely , for the glimpses of countryside through the pipelines hint at the kind of rural charm which is a real balm to salt-stained mariners in from the sea .
7 Her head jerked up with pride .
8 ‘ A broom might be useful if the wheels get clogged up with snow , ’ put in Uncle George .
9 Perhaps sending them direct to me will save the listserver from getting clogged up with train spotting messages .
10 The dossier , which said the town centre was clogged up with traffic , polluted by soot and plagued by accidents , was sent to the county council , DoT , and MPs .
11 Many of the eastern European countries have their own banknote printers which are hard at work keeping up with inflation , but several , such as former Soviet states , the Baltics , Albania and Bulgaria might turn to the West for their own cash as well as hard currency .
12 With all of its efforts to establish itself in the Unix marketplace , DEC has sometimes been in danger of convincing its own VMS customers that the traditional VAX lines have not been keeping up with Unix in the price/performance race .
13 But the training of surgeons and operating teams for keyhole surgery is n't keeping up with demand so Trent Health Authority is spending a hundred and fifty thousand pounds on a training centre at Leicester General .
14 However , the increase in SSA enrolments was 24 per cent , only just keeping up with population growth , whereas in the final matriculation year ( Standard Ten ) , the increase was 327 per cent .
15 We can not ignore major factors such as the poll tax , keeping up with rent and mortgage payments and buying the basics which cost the same for all of us .
16 Between keeping up with opera , theatre , art exhibitions and all the other things that the upper middle classes go in for , my playtime was severely limited .
17 These figures also have to be seen in the context of a rapid rise in demand and enrolments , despite the fact that black education is neither free nor compulsory , and expenditure is not keeping up with need .
19 Vague objectives might include maintaining a market share or keeping up with technology or offering good value to the customer .
20 After a week , top up with water .
21 The tumour had recurred and he had four previous operations , ending up with anastomosis of duodenum to mid-transverse colon .
22 On Thursday we drew the whole thing together ending up with team practice and looking at the videos in the evening .
23 ECHO chief photographer Stephen Shakeshaft found himself in the middle of a real cat and mouse game right in the heart of the city as he caught up with cartoon characters Tom and Jerry .
24 Whitlock caught up with Mobuto but remained discreetly in the background while he finished talking to the Chief of Protocol .
25 SOME BRIGHT sparks at Wyseplant have come up with brand new service for industry and commerce .
26 She was asking what Steve had come up with job wise she said if ever I wanted a C V writing Graham 'd do it for me
27 When the law finally did catch up with Capone in 1931 , it was for tax evasion , and he was sentenced to 11 years in prison .
28 He went on to reject the premise for such an ‘ iron law ’ , since he argued that production would catch up with demand as industry developed , and any disproportions arising would derive from faulty planning .
29 As the Colonel began to swell up with rage , Pooley caught Milton 's eye and shot him a warning glance .
30 However , if we choose to confront the horse , and to fight it out , the horse will always associate having its feet picked up with anger and fear , and it will always be difficult .
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