Example sentences of "[verb] out into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the model is reluctant to pull out into inverted flight , the best answer is to roll out and apply back cyclic and positive pitch to recover .
2 The unknown is always the most fearsome , opening out into wide areas of conjecture .
3 Picturesque ‘ yards ’ ( courtyards ) behind the shops all too often petered out into demolished nothingness , with scraps remaining of stone walls , closed workshops , industrial debris and boarded-up cabins .
4 Fourthly , in setting out the contract which may be oral or written , the activities to be undertaken are sorted out into individual tasks , and allocated between the worker and the client .
5 About agoraphobia and claustrophobia and the paradoxical desire to be let out into unconfined space , the wild moorland , the open ground , and at the same time to be closed into tighter and tighter impenetrable small spaces — like Emily Dickinson 's voluntary confinement , like the Sibyl 's jar .
6 In Ajdabiya ( where , additionally , the layout of houses was less elastic than in the south ) , the younger and educated sons of Musbah Ifkairin moved out into new houses nearby , leaving the eldest brother with their father .
7 More striking is evidence of reluctance by local groups to launch out into direct engagement with the public in open meetings .
8 Further research is carried out into rural lifestyles in the 1840s .
9 Special investigations have also been carried out into British aid for India and the payment of pensions in Gibraltar .
10 On the telecommunications side , research is being carried out into high bandwidths that require high repetition pulses — a rate of 200GHz has been achieved and into Erbium-doped fibre amplifiers , which are a key component for future optical networks .
11 It started life as a consultancy in parallel processing and then branched out into virtual reality , after seeing the potential of the technology .
12 These local clusters may grow so large that they spread out into other areas , areas that had hitherto been dominated , numerically , by individuals playing Always Defect .
13 As the society develops , these functions become separated out into different institutions .
14 ‘ The Turning Point ’ is also one of the label 's strongest releases for some time and it 's the ever popular Terrace front of Stefan Robbers that once again leads Djax out into new regions .
15 At the top they came out into uncompromising , bright grey light , the bleak , hedgeless lane , the flat meadows where here and there stunted trees squatted like old men in cloaks .
16 Later , as the sac-like evagination develops , the bases of the epithelial cells become drawn out into long processes , so imparting a spongy texture to the tissues of the wing-pad , and the basement membranes of the lower and upper epithelia become apposed for most of their area so as to form the so-called middle membrane ( Fig. 30 ) .
17 The main features of the remaining pavements are as follows : sixteen-petalled flowers with guilloche knots at their centres ; flowers with four heart-shaped petals where the interspaces of the petals are drawn out into stylised lotus buds ; and , most characteristically , pelta-urns with filled triangle bases , lotus tips , and tendrils with volutes .
18 Your friends , your parents , your school , your peers , they all try and stop you going out into left field .
19 You should know better than to walk out into strange streets alone . ’
20 Traditional epics taken from Frankish oral poetry also commanded Charles ' interest , and he had several of these copied out into formal texts .
21 Insert the cuttings by pushing each one down into the sand about 4–5 inches ( 10–12cm ) apart and with the leaves at right angles to the line of the slit , so that growth emanating from the axillary buds grows out into free space between the rows , not into the cutting next door .
22 At this point the short version abandons the formal prayer frames and opens out into uninterrupted prose in which meditation on the enormity of what is happening to him " schop the sonne & al is , of al gode in " [ schop : created ; : anything ] ( p.85 ) carries the narrative to the point where Christ leaves Jerusalem ; then the meditation on the sorrow of Mary modulates into the account of the death of Christ , the major stages of which are marked by cries of remembrance but unpunctuated by any suggestions for Latin prayer .
23 If it were travelling at any other velocity , it would either move out into deep space , or crash into the Sun , or move into another orbit .
24 This gives the orchestration shown in Ex. 29 , which the student should copy out into full score with the proper transpositions .
25 First , the tasks we carry out are not only more or less complex but they also become more complex as they separate out into discrete categories or types of complexity .
26 The elegiac note sounded ominously , unanswerably , offering calm and collusion : as if aware of the risks , Charles struck suddenly out , moving out into dangerous white water , tipping over the edge into a new reach .
27 She continued watching him for a moment , then stepped out into full view .
28 Not quite so bad is the man or woman who starts a diet every Monday , is quite good until Friday , breaks out into wild eating over the weekend , and starts again on Monday .
29 They 're obviously going into a difficult area and if it breaks out into open conflict , there will be slight risk , but at the moment it 's fairly routine for us .
30 Some pots can look rather sparse at first but with good compost , regular feeding and attention to watering , they soon fill out into good-sized plants .
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