Example sentences of "[verb] her [noun pl] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His wife was painting her eyelids green .
2 ’ Fräulein Silber gave a wintry smile , ‘ and her coach is keeping her heights dark , but I know that she is keeping the bar up .
3 ‘ We were disappointed that you decided not to join us , ’ she said , keeping her eyes intent on the table .
4 As she moved her fingers passion detonated .
5 She phoned her careers office today , they 're sending her the information free , you 're thinking .
6 These were clamped together , squashing her breasts flat , pulling at the skin of her underarms .
7 She 'd been planning to have it repaired as soon as she could afford to , for , although she knew she could have claimed the cost through her insurance , she could n't afford to lose her no-claims bonus .
8 She 'd painted her toenails red .
9 It was n't fair that he could make her senses rocket in such a devastating way .
10 Instinctively she held his shoulders , allowing her hands freedom to roam across his wide back , trace the strong neck , reach into the thick blond hair .
11 The red sunlight made her garments glitter .
12 With a hoarse cry she went into violent climax , her body possessed by the pulse that roared in her ears , her heart , her stomach , her thighs and made her limbs spasm and twist in ecstasy beneath him — no longer human , no longer conscious , no longer caring about anything except the dark flood of pleasure that rushed through her and shook her till she rattled and writhed to a hot , pulsing oblivion on his body .
13 Naturally she did , and it almost made her eyes water .
14 It made her eyes water but she stayed where she was until the saucepan was full , then tried to douse the flames .
15 But come the morning I do n't suppose she sprayed it , gelled it and covered it in cans full of failed meringue , which made her hands curl .
16 His smile made her toes curl .
17 Oh she got her glasses Bet ?
18 erm , we 've never seen and they say this woman big crooks yeah , and the woman she got her dogs chain and she hit her over the back , she 's got all bruises , she told us after when when her report and
19 ‘ Where 's Tom ? ’ she noticed her brothers absence as soon as she got back to the house .
20 She would do her hosts credit .
21 After the relative peacefulness of the boat the market 's noise , colour , and tantalising mixture of smells had made her senses reel .
22 It had been a bitter pill to swallow , and she had made her feelings plain to the man her husband had been friends with since his childhood .
23 She shivered , remembering how waking to find his face so close to hers had made her insides quake .
24 She seemed unwilling to acknowledge that this might not be wise and would be bound to cause her parents concern .
25 Audrey Spooner opened her Cats Protection League sanctuary four years ago .
26 And the girl who begins rehearsing her Cinders role later this month , was more adamant than ever that she would sooner eke out a living in glass slippers than tennis shoes .
27 Lil shuts the door on the sounds of Gotterdammerung in the corridor , and unlocks her drinks cupboard .
28 She took the CPE and Law Society finals Course at Newcastle Polytechnic and finished her finals Course in July 1989 .
29 It had all happened so long ago , and she had found a successful career for herself in radio anyway , despite Luke 's having caused her to be dismissed from that first job back in South Africa and the subsequent need to abandon her Communications course , and as he himself had pointed out — oh , as she herself had always known deep down , hence her long-ago guilt — she had chosen to leave Johannesburg when her father was dying .
30 Helen pressed her hands flat on the table , so hard that the ends of her fingers went white .
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