Example sentences of "[verb] so [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 But soon the consciousness of security became so ingrained that we lost all temptation to enquire about the nature of work with which we were not immediately concerned .
2 During the third century synodical government became so developed that synods used to meet not merely at times of crisis but on a regular basis every year , normally between Easter and Pentecost .
3 As a result of Napoleon III 's grave error of judgement , the affair of the Holy places became so inflamed that it set the powers on a collision course which led to the Crimean War .
4 Last season it became so inflamed that he had to pull out of the Carolls Irish Open at Portmarnock .
5 On occasion , so many people turned up to a Baldersdale funeral and the church or chapel became so crowded that people had to stand outside .
6 The indentured labourers hoped to be able to set up as independent farmers once they had worked off the costs of their passages , but the islands soon became so crowded that they were unlikely to be able to do this .
7 They became so celebrated that they were disturbed by tourists .
8 Seymour Hicks , the famous singer , once became so infuriated that he stopped the orchestra in the middle of his song , turned to the girl and snapped , ‘ Dear Lady , shall you finish your story or shall I finish my song ? ’
9 At one meeting , Branson became so exasperated that he walked off his own boat and paced up and down the towpath outside to cool down .
10 For example one woman set fire to her kitchen accidentally and the carer , her neighbour , realised that it would not be safe for her to remain at home ; another carer , a husband , found himself becoming so stressed that he struck his wife ; he then requested institutional care .
11 The patient , whom I shall call Maxine , first came to see me because she had a phobia about water — a phobia which was becoming so exaggerated that she could not even bear to put her hands in water and had to rely on creams and lotions to cleanse her face and body .
12 Jungle English was the title given by A. P. Herbert to writing so confused that one has to read each sentence several times , struggling with the words to find some sense like someone caught in a jungle .
13 Henri van de Velde , the movement 's leading theorist , believed that ornamentation and functional forms should appear so intimate that the ornament seems to have determined the form .
14 Blanche drove on and three hours later she was safe in Dornaway Castle , where she seemed so shaken that they put her straight to bed .
15 In the drawing-room he took a great deal of persuading to sit down , and then , when Louise finally joined them , drifting in in her rose-silk dress , Grégoire seemed so overcome that he forgot to rise .
16 By the end of the first lesson some medics seemed so confused that they could not explain the difference between an arrowhead formation and a reef knot .
17 The situation seemed so threatening that Tottenham formed a 10-man wall but Wilson shot wide when Slawson tapped the free kick to him .
18 ‘ But you were looking so absorbed that I guessed you were admiring that wonderful bureau . ’
19 We will do so knowing that whatever we do , whatever normal editorial decisions we make may be misinterpreted .
20 The fact that the beverages with low alcohol content stimulate gastrin release whereas alcohol itself does not do so suggests that this response is mediated by the non-ethanolic component of the beverage .
21 However , whilst both the HPV16 sequence and the HSV octamer could readily compete for binding of this protein , the HPV6 sequence could not do so confirming that it does not bind the cervical protein with high affinity ( Figure 4 ) .
22 Anyone who advertises the deferred rate may only do so provided that the APR is more prominent , and they explain all the terms . ’
23 We were made so welcome that the evening of our last visit to the Club was a sad one , but we have happy memories of our time with the 1200th Branch .
24 If a particular monkey is chased and harried for as long as ten minutes , it may become so stressed that eventually it gives up trying to escape and sits to face its death without screaming or even resisting when the hunters finally seize it .
25 She was about to ask him why the party had been using the OBEX pool when , as if he could read her thoughts , he said , ‘ I used to take them to the public swimming-pool in town , but it gets so crowded that some of them used to get frightened .
26 It seems that every now and again the memory gets so disorganised that Windows goes off to do something about it and hence the frightening silence .
27 ‘ What 'd I Say ’ sounded so possessed that many radio stations refused to play it .
28 To do so suggests that Gregory 's narrative at this point is genuine history rather than legend , which may have some basis other than a purely factual one .
29 Not to do so means that they are not truly working in the best interests of the children .
30 Their officers might experience at times a tension between enjoyment of these qualities and impatience at their collective uncooperativeness , but few of them seem to have become so downhearted that they ceased to enjoy their work .
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