Example sentences of "[verb] get [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I mean got lovely places they do n't do they ?
2 With difficulty , but I think it is fair to say as well it has got great compensations , because if you build walls , if you 're hiding , if you 're pretending , if you 're always subscribing parents and stopping them from coming in you make problems ; parents worry and suspect that there are problems behind those closed doors , and I think this is why we have established fifteen different parent teacher groups which meet regularly in different parts of Sussex , from Seaford to Shoreham , to Hove , to Brighton , and in small groups of ten/fifteen/twenty they 'll sit down with a teacher and they do n't just do fund raising they thrash out the different aspects of their children 's education and then they come in and meet in a main committee and I think it is this involvement that enables the parents and the teachers to work very closely together .
3 It is like saying that if Jim Bloggs is an ass it means he has got long ears and brays .
4 The Jag has got private plates on it . ’
5 I mean he 's been known to do that because he you know what is going to happen with him commercially in his newspapers and he 's actually very clever and I mean none of us I mean okay and I think Peter might be the but I can get quite upset or intense or distressed or whatever the word is about that sort of stuff , because I am my background is journalism and I 'm quite pure about it , but we 're living in reality times here and the reality times is that he has got certain agendas .
6 If there 's a younger referee than me it 'll prove that someone has got real guts .
7 The prospect has got prospective buyers drooling .
8 It has got inherent checks and balances , it has its own agreement , it is professionally run and there is no function for the president of the FISA here other than to turn up occasionally and literally be seen about .
9 My watch has got luminous markings , that 's how I know .
10 She has got bad spots .
11 ‘ That dog has got severe problems .
12 And if anybody 's been away and has got or has got missing sheets I 've got spare sheets down here .
13 The economy has got huge problems associated with it .
14 ‘ I think that anybody who sits around and does n't make the investment has got big problems coming in the future .
15 But there is no getting away from the fact that Howard has got big problems .
16 ‘ This has got massive implications because back injuries are the most common suffered by nurses , ’ Nupe , the union supporting the case , said .
17 Adventurous Spartan generals — Kleomenes , Pausanias the Regent , Brasidas , Lysander — tried to get extra soldiers from the nearest source , their own country 's helots .
18 In 1988 , when a Conservative backbencher , Robert Adley , tried to get diplomatic relations restored , Foreign Office ministers briefed him on British preconditions .
19 The truth is I had nothing at all in the bottle — it was empty because I 'd forgotten to get new supplies .
20 USL says it ‘ would be happy to help Sun do that , ’ but SunSoft , which also has a seat on USL 's board , is currently lobbying hard to get its own views adopted by UI , and to do that it needs to get other members on its side .
21 Mr Samuel Skinner , the secretary of transport , will be in Europe later this month to try to get foreign carriers and governments to foot some of the bill for the new bomb-detecting machines .
22 OK , if you want to get picky guitars should purr , destroy and rejuvenate , and dance beats should prowl , pace and threaten .
23 ‘ Of course it 's important — you want to get good grades , and you wo n't get them if you do n't study . ’
24 So it 's easier than you said it 's more difficult than if you want to get clear recordings .
25 Shildon-born Mr Jackson said : ‘ To be a good instructor you must have had at least a season 's skiing on snow and if you want to get basic qualifications you would be charged around £3,000 . ’
26 So we want to get bright objects that we can see at great distances , but we also need to know something about what it is we 're looking at .
27 Er I was in the credit and I was with a large group of people there and they seemed very happy and I think we were fair , we 'd got good conditions .
28 He 'd got other things to do if they did n't want him on his terms .
29 And she 'd got modern ideas , and all — about married women being slaves , and what not — though to my way of thinking it 's always a toss-up which is the slave .
30 So I fell for it and I volunteered for the Guards , but after a week , they decided I , I 'd got flat feet which was n't very good for slamming your foot down as the guards demanded in those days .
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