Example sentences of "[verb] go [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 He had apparently been very obstreperous during the night — trying to get up , demanding to go home and so disturbing the other patients that he had been moved , temporarily to a private ward .
2 The river bottom was ridged sand , a difficult and unkind footing , that combined with the cold and the rush to make me want to go fast while forcing me to go slow .
3 We should not want to go slower than 1/200th second because of camera movement and , for a bright day , f8 at 1/200th with ASA 200 rated film will give a result .
4 Do you want to go now or in the morning ? ’
5 Do you want to go now or should I
6 I want to ensure that we build on the success of the first six months of NHS reforms so that no one will want to go anywhere but to his or her most immediately available hospital to receive NHS treatment .
7 In fact , she did n't want to go anywhere unless he came with her .
8 The justification for this view is partly pragmatic ; as Cohen puts it , ‘ it would be a mistake to refrain from taking those explanatory steps which are open to us , just because we should prefer to go farther than our current knowledge permits ’ .
9 The committee was at first divided over the proposal , with Betty Sinclair opposing the whole idea of protest marches , and a decision was deferred to a later meeting , which agreed to go ahead and fixed the date for 24 August .
10 A good deal has happened since that important Church meeting last June when we agreed to go ahead and purchase the building from the Church of Scotland for £1 .
11 Just as well you agreed to go quietly when Kenneth suggested it was time you went to bed ; though apparently he and Hamish practically had to carry you upstairs , and the whole way up you were muttering something vile about Lewis being thrown naked into a tub of starving Elephant Leeches . ’
12 The children are taught to go home and tell their parents to put out their cigarettes .
13 You know yourself whether you tend to go quickly or whatever .
14 They would wait five miles ahead , not daring to go further because of my leg .
15 Want to go upstairs and sit down ?
16 do we want to erm go I mean obviously we want to go away and I 'll do it with my friend and you 'll do it your
17 Talking audio visual that 's an event that is taking place with S S K in Glasgow on the second of February I 'm disappointed by the number of people who have said that they want to go largely because we 've gone out of our way to do something in Glasgow
18 Between now and Sunday it 's down to you to decide that you definitely want to go ahead and be confirmed .
19 Now this next Sunday you 're preparing and saying Yes I definitely want to go ahead and be confirmed .
20 When the youngsters want to go outside and play they have to leave via the backdoor which opens on to a busy road .
21 Your feet get hot in your bloody shoes and you want to go outside and walk through mud . ’
22 ‘ For , ’ she put down , ‘ I want to go there as humble McAllister who keeps the house clean , dressed the doll and made and embroidered the baby clothes , not as the American Princess doing the gracious , ladling our Papa 's money , not one penny of which I have earned , smiling and patronising those not so fortunate as myself , and then leaving them to go home to the embassy — to forget them ! ’
23 But now I want to go faster than 1,000 words in six minutes .
24 And , and that would derive from cases where landlord exploitation was particularly severe and therefore peasants were saying no rent reduction , interest rate reduction is not enough , we want to go further than that now .
25 It 's just — I want to go home and tell them to shut up about the exam results and let me do my own thing and leave me alone .
26 I want to go home and just get on with playing football now . ’
27 If you have spent a twelve hour day coping with the daily realities of road accidents , the elderly incontinent , housing the homeless — usually with inadequate resources — I promise you that you rarely want to go home and read about it .
28 Cos I want to go home and , I 've got to home cos I 've I 've a stack of paperwork on my table .
29 Oh , alright then , I want to go home as well !
30 I actually advised him at the meeting that he should not and could n't take that motion , and I was by Alderman in that situation , but he still deemed to go ahead and that 's p his prerogative .
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