Example sentences of "[verb] there have [been] " in BNC.

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1 The claims of those commentators ( for example Meager , 1985 ; LRD , 1987 ) who suggest there has been a growth in temporary working in recent years are given no support whatsoever by these results .
2 ‘ You do n't know there 's been a crime , ’ said Scarlet .
3 I can always ring the house and let her know there 's been a change of plan . ’
4 And how come there had been a scumnik kid present too in the crowd of possible recruits ?
5 But I say there 's been a
6 Travel agents say there 's been a last minute rush for holidays abroad … with the weather here looking distinctly dismal …
7 Local people say there 's been a long-standing campaign for the site to be made safe .
8 Sporting names from past and present say there 's been no-one else to match the magic of Stan .
9 ‘ Now they say there has been secret dumping of waste from the submarines and nuclear icebreakers .
10 The papers say there has been shooting in the centre of Tripoli far to the north .
11 Rangers were reluctant to talk about the incident today — they say there has been vandalism but they 'll wait until the morning to consider their next step .
12 Touche Ross , the receivers for Scarborough 's troubled Royal Hotel , say there has been keen interest from potential buyers and negotiations should start soon .
13 COMMUNITY workers say there has been a big increase in the number of young homeless people as winter sets in .
14 They say there has been no shortage of interest in the project from potential backers .
15 In most of the areas in which riots occurred there had been a breakdown in community/police relations ; the public distrusted the police and they had no confidence in the police complaints machinery .
16 They found there had been no unjustifiable delay and said time had been needed to assemble evidence .
17 Very significantly , in comparing his study with another carried out 19 years before , Gorer found there had been a marked increase in this expressed appreciation of the sexual factor in marriage — even more marked in women than in men .
18 Sir Edmund found there had been cases of physical ill-treatment such as wall-standing , hooding , noise , deprivation of sleep , and diets of bread and water .
19 Although he said he could not release any details about the inquiry 's scope , in general , if the CRE found there had been unlawful practices it would issue a ‘ non-discrimination notice ’ listing the changes to working methods a respondent must make .
20 Although he said he could not release any details about the inquiry 's scope , in general , if the CRE found there had been unlawful practices it would issue a ‘ non-discrimination notice ’ listing the changes to working methods a respondent must make .
21 The masses were uneducated and the producers had given them rubbish , but what had really ensured ‘ the bloodlessness of the American film ’ was that with intellectuals alienated and excluded there had been ‘ no intelligent body ’ to shape the new medium .
22 He was no longer particularly interested in the work of younger writers ; this was partly because he no longer felt confident in his judgments about contemporary writing but , at a more general level , he believed there had been a profound falling off in the standard of both literature and criticism since the Second World War .
23 His widow Diane says there 's been a terrible injustice .
24 He says there 's been proper consultation with the local communities and the local authorities including the parish councils .
25 The company in charge of marketing the farm says there 's been a lot of inquiries .
26 and it says there 's been tales in the paper about him , I ai n't read any
27 you know when Les , oh she says there 's been about half a dozen people at that paint shop , sends chops and changes she said she said , she said I have n't lived there for three and a half years
28 Michael Joseph says there has been no breach : ‘ The Sunday Times 's promotion is theirs , not ours . ’
29 He says there has been a great deal of interest shown in the firm because virtual reality is seen as an exciting new technology with a lot of potential .
30 Significantly , it says there has been slowing down of sales of its Sparc server systems over the last few months , and expects its European turnover for the coming year to remain flat at $15m .
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