Example sentences of "[verb] from the few " in BNC.

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1 Normally , little jumble could be expected from the few cottages on the headland , but Alex Mair , anxious to associate the power station with the community , had put up a notice on the staff board and the two tea chests were usually fairly full by the time the October sale came round .
2 We heard from the few local women who did attend how they took the law into their own hands and arranged regular supplies of contraceptives from the North .
3 These sources include articles and official statements published in ACCOUNTANCY , course and conference notes from the few delegates that still attend external training , and letters and reports already produced within the firm as part of normal client service work .
4 No signed or documented work by her is known and what can be assembled as an oeuvre emerges from the few surviving miniatures between 1545 and 1575 .
5 Little has been written on the subject since then , but one may infer from the few remarks that are made on it that psychologists are no longer so impressed by ‘ the insuperable logical difficulty ’ James believed there to be in the way of saying that the difference between sensations may be one of ‘ place pure and simple ’ .
6 The two or three families who had come without money or slaves and who had kept themselves rigorously segregated from the few black people they found already on the island , were still shunning newcomers .
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