Example sentences of "[verb] by [noun] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 The ÖVP in Carinthia , although it was part of the provincial governing coalition dominated by Haider 's FPÖ , nevertheless supported an SPÖ resolution passed by the Landtag calling for Haider 's resignation .
2 Zambia emerged into the tailored industrial park , most of which was dominated by Roirbak 's hangars .
3 Effective political control is in the hands of the Communist Party of China ( CCP — which currently has almost 48,000,000 members ) and since 1980 has been dominated by China 's " elder statesman " leader , Deng Xiaoping .
4 The blue and white drawing-room with its Howard chairs covered in ciselée Prussian blue velvet , seventeenth-century Van Steenwyk portraits of touchingly formal and grave children , and Dali 's wry , scratchy ink sketch of Winston on horseback as a Spanish grandee , is dominated by Dali 's 1958 portrait of C.Z. She is apotheosised as an icon of glacial chic , staring out from the plains of Gerona in Mainbocher 's equally well bred palamino cardigan and orange brocade gown .
5 The silhouette of St Peter 's , Rome , is dominated by Michelangelo 's dome ( built between 1546 and 1581 ) .
6 The dinner was very good , though the conversation tended to be dominated by Bernard 's stories of his new television series and the director who was disastrous , but disastrous .
7 The rest of the stock market was dominated by Ferranti 's hectic return , with Seaq putting volume at a remarkable 115 million shares .
8 Other towns were dominated by London 's monopoly of trade and commerce .
9 The second semi-final is expected to be dominated by bookmakers ' favourite Risk It Miss , trained by Midlands-based Charlie Lister .
10 French policy was dominated by Germany 's demographic and military superiority .
11 At that time , ideas about town defences were dominated by Wheeler 's conclusions at Colchester and Verulamium .
12 Post-independence history was dominated by Guinea 's first President , Ahmed Sekou Toure , who pursued a policy of socialist revolution and suppressed opposition to his regime .
13 Post-independence history was dominated by Guinea 's first President , Ahmed Sekou Toure , who pursued a policy of socialist revolution and suppressed opposition to his regime .
14 The skyline of Brignorth , dominated by Telford 's church tower , provides a backdrop for this view of Class 59 No 59001 Yeoman endeavour leaving the Severn Valley terminus with a train for Kidderminster on the SVR diesel weekend in May 1988 .
15 Although the new Cabinet was described as a coalition , it remained dominated by Biya 's Cameroon People 's Democratic Movement ( RDPC ) .
16 The market is currently dominated by Apple 's Macintosh computer and LaserWriter combination but the IBM compatible market is rapidly getting its act together with several new products scheduled for release by the end of the year .
17 He proposed independent solutions to the current problems of generation and becoming , individuation , universals , the nature of the soul , and immaterial intelligences , which were influenced but not dominated by Grosseteste 's ideas .
18 SATURDAY 'S finale was a thoroughly extrovert affair , dominated by Bernstein 's Chichester Psalms , Copland 's Clarinet Concerto and Constant Lambert 's The Rio Grande .
19 In fact on 9 May , virtually surrounded by Tito 's armies in northern Yugoslavia , Gen Loehr negotiated for the surrender of all his forces to Tito , and many individual units had begun to lay down their arms .
20 Erm well it 's not sort of by itself , you know it 's er surrounded by houses re , lovely houses , you know that are
21 She had lived her twenty-two years surrounded by life 's little luxuries , all the wonderful comforts that money could buy , and she did n't see herself as the sort of healthy , hardy girl who could endure too many minor inconveniences with a cheery smile .
22 Paul ignored the rebuff and turned to Christina instead , pointing to his drawing and explaining : ‘ I drew the pool as an oasis , surrounded by traveller 's palms for maximum shade , and I thought the waterfall cascading through the coral-stone rock formation balanced it perfectly . ’
23 Half way across the gallery , high up , was a colourful banner banded by evergreens saying Happy Fiftieth Birthday , Robin , with a profusion of multi-coloured balloons around the walls , and one every table were bowls of flowers surrounded by children 's festive bags of sweets , crisps , Polos , Smarties etc. , with coloured paper napkins fanning out of every glass .
24 Your remarks re childbirth are very pertinent as the aforementioned daughter gave birth to a second little girl on Saturday … so her husband , like mine , will be surrounded by a ‘ monstrous regiment of women ’ as your wife is surrounded by men 's shirts !
25 I came to in a dentist-type chair , surrounded by Charlie 's Angels — a pink one , a blue one and a green one .
26 Net assets provided will be £ [ ] million , as disclosed by ABC 's consolidated balance sheet for the year ended [ 31st December ] , 19[] .
27 Where an enterprise is contemplating the recognition of a deferred tax asset that is permitted by paragraph 32A in respect of a provision for pensions or other post-retirement obligations it should be noted that the normal rules regarding the recoverability of assets are applicable . ’
28 ( iii ) Where the notepaper of an English or Welsh office of the practice includes neither a designation of the practice ( see paragraph 6(b) above ) nor a list of the partners or directors , the statement required by sub-paragraph ( b ) ( i ) ( B ) above must also state that the partners or directors are ( as the case may be ) solicitors and registered foreign lawyers , or describe them in such other terms which , as applied to those partners or directors , would be permitted by paragraph 6(b) ( i ) or ( ii ) above .
29 As permitted by Section 3(2) of the Companies ( Amendments ) Act , 1986 , the profit and loss account of the Company is not presented in these financial statements .
30 The granting of the security was not permitted by Jarrad 's memorandum or articles .
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