Example sentences of "[verb] at her for " in BNC.

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1 Dierdriu had looked at her for a long moment .
2 He gapes at her for a moment , then chortles and slaps his thigh .
3 As she turned to wait for me at the end of the path , I felt I was looking at her for the first time : her face paler than her arms , a blonde shadow on her upper lip , no lipstick .
4 He was looking at her for help — he was pleading , through his fury , for the assistance of his sister … it was just that , in his youth , he could not control the emotion in his face , and she quivered with the imagined rage , only now recognizing the desperation in his eyes .
5 He stood within the doorway looking at her for a moment .
6 St John glanced quickly at her , but dared not look at her for long .
7 Such contact had for her possessed beauty , and he had shaken hands with her upon it ; he had not yelled at her for what she had not given .
8 Of course , it was a shame about that incident when she assaulted the headmaster , but he should n't really have laughed at her for being the only child there who does n't take drugs .
9 People had actually laughed at her for asking for a chemistry set instead of a Barbie doll or a set of Nancy Drew books .
10 George turned to Catherine , kissed her hands and seemed content to stare at her for the rest of the night if not for the rest of his life : Mary bowed her head a little and Hope looked away , sipped at his claret , could do no more .
11 But Nathan Bryce had only to look at her for her heart to skip a beat , then race out of control .
12 Obviously , she thought sourly , checking to make sure that no hanky-panky was going on under the table between Piers and her , or else he was still so infatuated that he could n't bear not to look at her for too long .
13 He had only to look at her for all her firmly made resolutions to begin to melt away .
14 Perry stares at her for a moment , and then examines her arm .
15 She glanced at her for signs of irony and saw none .
16 After staring at her for a few seconds in silence , he finally nodded and went out , leaving her to dress .
17 She watched him hug the child to him , then straighten up , and now he stood glaring at her for a moment .
18 Robert , glancing at her for confirmation , saw her frown , but ignored it and nodded his thanks to the keeper .
19 Gary stared at her for a moment , pins spewing from his mouth and catching on the front of his black jersey .
20 He took another step backwards and stared at her for a long moment before saying , ‘ This is the last time I 'll ever look on you willingly . ’
21 He stared at her for a moment before saying , ‘ Tea , please . ’
22 He stared at her for a moment and then shrugged and moved out of the kitchen and towards the back door .
23 He stared at her for several seconds as if he could not remember who she was .
24 He stared at her for a moment , then motioned with his head towards the door .
25 Urquhart stared at her for a moment and then shattered into a hearty laugh , much too hearty to be genuine to Blanche 's ears .
26 He stared at her for a minute , then stripped to the waist and started to scrub the clay off in the basin of steaming water .
27 Julius stared at her for what seemed like an extraordinarily long time .
28 Lifting his head , Leo stared at her for long moments , then , with another of his funny smiles , he murmured softly , ‘ Take care , ’ and he was gone .
29 His expression blank , he stared at her for long moments .
30 Turning , he stared at her for a moment , before replying , almost curtly , she thought , ‘ Nothing .
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