Example sentences of "[verb] they [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 Mind you I 've heard them shouting at him .
2 Though I agreed with their political views , I could not condone the way they acted and was glad to see them go at last .
3 We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of the state in Britain , only to see them reimposed at a European level , with a European superstate exercising a new dominance from Brussels .
4 Having made contact with a group of students at the nearby Architectural Association he went to see them play at the Goings On Club in Archer Street , a tiny place largely frequented by poets .
5 And that I , I would n't be adverse , I know it means you know you , you , if you put s some extra into one thing you 've got to take it away from somewhere else , but I , I , I would be quite happy to see them look at special needs and whether we actually need even more careers officer time for that .
6 ‘ The most important thing is to organise a system that encourages them to stick at it day by day and week by week .
7 I 'm really excited about seeing them live at Wembley . ’
8 The prevention of purprestures was his responsibility : he threw down houses , sheepfolds and other buildings and enclosures erected without licence in his bailiwick , and attached those who made them to appear at the next Forest Eyre .
9 However , he also pointed out that the government 's policy of combining " actions of immediate relief with medium-term rehabilitation " was starting to show results , the distribution of seeds and tools to displaced people allowing them to produce at least some of their own food .
10 Before he reached them Paul and Joseph had hoisted the two boys , aged eleven and thirteen , onto their shoulders and were encouraging them to joust at one another with chopsticks from the table .
11 Now do welcome them , do make them feel at home , especially those of you who are new to the place you will know and remember what it 's like when you first come into a strange building that feels like home .
12 ‘ I think if I did that would make them look at me in a completely different way . ’
13 The pelagic animals generally try to achieve ‘ neutral buoyancy ’ , to enable them to stay at the required depth without effort ; and many have devices to alter buoyancy .
14 You know all the guests and something about them ; you can greet , welcome , introduce and generally make them feel at home .
15 If you present someone with a set of stripes on a TV screen and make them move at right angles to their long axis , that is the direction in which the person will see them move .
16 So use the opportunity , get a return , make them take a good look at you and then you know you 're alright and can go on for another couple of years and make them look at you again .
17 On the feet were home-made boots with double tongues : ‘ They were made by the village cobbler and cost fourteen shillings : they 'd last about two years if you got them clumped at the end of the first year . ’
18 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
19 ‘ If you mean I want them to look at my gown , you 're correct . ’
20 They invited them to sit at a table and were joined by an unusually tall , thin man who was extraordinarily blonde for his age which was thirty to thirtyfive .
21 He and Ricky made friends with Captain Peter Blagrove and his wife Alice , wealthy , white Jamaican landowners who invited them to stay at their home .
22 But for value for money , New York 's Empire State Building has them beaten at 6.7ft a penny
23 They are likely to stay for a long time with one organisation , and indeed many organisations seek to bind them to them by offering fringe benefits , particularly in the form of " loyalty bonuses " to encourage them to return at the start of each new banqueting season .
24 part of her expected to find them laughing at his wild reaction beyond all sense and to return her to the blessed normal but when she looked around only Maggie stood in the room .
25 No-one said much to me at tea , although I caught them looking at me sometimes as they sipped at their mugs .
26 Waist exercise 1 : keep your legs apart and raise both arms above your head , keeping them bent at 90° .
27 Watkins found them sited at intervals along a ley and often at the crossing of two leys .
28 In the antique firearms section there was a pair of pistols fitted with a detonating system which used fulminate and dated from about 1809 ; there was an intriguing possible English royal connection and this , together with their unusual detonation , helped them sell at £5,000 .
29 It stopped them reacting violently because it stopped them reacting at all . ’
30 Changez and Jamila sat apart , and although I tried to catch them looking at each other , I can guarantee that not a single surreptitious glance was exchanged by the future bed-mates .
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