Example sentences of "[verb] do so for " in BNC.

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1 BARB 's research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day ( and has done so for at least the last 10 years ) , just over half of this being ITV .
2 Radio 4 's excellent Margaret Howard , who presents Pick of The Week ( and has done so for 17 years ) is in the same boat .
3 My hon. Friend always speaks out powerfully for Basildon : he has done so for the past eight years , and I have no doubt that he will do so for the next eight .
4 The fact was that both young women shared an unspoken anxiety for Fleury 's safety and though Louise had not yet confided her feelings for him to Miriam , she really did not need to do so for these feelings were plain enough already .
5 However many employers do not comply with these legal duties unless they are pressed to do so for this reason the recommendations in section five of the report are aimed at giving support to safety representatives and full-time officials to improve workplace activity .
6 They use it for official purposes and are likely to continue to do so for some considerable while .
7 Probyn , 37 next March , has seen them all off and fully intends to continue doing so for the foreseeable future .
8 There is no trim , mixture , flaps , prop control or gyros to worry about , so with a final tug at the harness , one can only glare balefully at the JAP again , decide that it has kept going thus far and may therefore be relied upon to continue doing so for a few minutes longer , and prepare to commit aviation .
9 Those who made the journey to London might have done so for a variety of reasons .
10 It did not attempt to do so for every council in the country .
11 Theorists feel compelled to do so for two reasons .
12 Was it simply that he wished to remain in Istanbul , and , if so , did he wish to do so for professional or for personal reasons ?
13 I had imagined , for instance , that I would be able to catch a glimpse of Mount Silisili , a mile-high peak in the centre of Samoa , just a few miles away across the water : I had hoped to do so for no better reason than that Mount Silisili would be enjoying precisely the same clock time as here in Tonga , but exactly one day before .
14 To have surrendered all power over the issue of her coinage is significant enough , for reasons already argued ; to have done so for good must constitute the act of transfer of sovereignty by the British Parliament to another power .
15 However , the whole matter was another aspect of one of the storms in a set of teacups that accompanied the whole unhappy Profumo matter and has continued to do so for the many years since it was first raised .
16 After her first five years apprenticeship she became involved with transport and it was here that she was destined to make her mark and has continued to do so for 37 years .
17 They had done so for the last forty-five years .
18 They had done so for the last forty-five years
19 He claimed later that he had done so for the reason that a few months earlier he had sold a stallion to Dunlop which had died within a few weeks and that his motive had been to recompense Dunlop for his loss .
20 Among the landed classes men expected to marry young ( by our standards ) in the Middle Ages and women younger ; and probably had done so for centuries before our period opens .
21 He coveted the throne and had done so for a long time .
22 Tillot-sons , who controlled the Bolton Evening News until 1970 , when it joined a chain , had done so for 104 years .
23 But there was no doubt in law that he had done so — and that he had done so for ever .
24 After an hour of this , the pike left it alone and when it had done so for the fifth time , El-ahrairah swam across himself and went home .
25 She wore a very sparkly large diamond engagement ring and had done so for about a year .
26 So , prolonged unemployment for the principal breadwinners and their offspring is thrusting more and more families into poverty and threatens to do so for many years to come .
27 In the bite-shaped hollow , a small mound of viscous lava was growing and continued to do so for a long time afterwards .
28 When the gravel was exposed , a stream of clean water flowed from it and continued to do so for the next 7 days .
29 She marched straight into Tony Richardson 's office in her summer dress and sandals , sorted out Walter 's money to her satisfaction , and continued to do so for The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner and Tom Jones , nine Merchant-Ivory films and more recently Ballad of the Sad Café , from Carson McCullers 's poignant novel .
30 When he died in 1800 , Mrs. Smith took over her husband 's duties and continued to do so for several years , to the satisfaction of the directors .
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