Example sentences of "[verb] on [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Erin pronounced on me the Draoicht Tinneas Siorai .
2 I report on them every week for the Ministry of Agriculture . ’
3 Nearly two years later he told me that in each of those ten Crusades , people on the committees had said that , although everyone had agreed on certain tasks to be done , they only actually got cracking on them a couple of days before I was due back !
4 Soon after coming of age , his ‘ hard conscience ’ towards his tenantry drew on him a judicial rebuke from the lord chancellor Thomas Egerton , Baron Ellesmere [ q.v. ] , and he steadily enlarged his estate by buying out minor gentry families in the vicinity .
5 Jones had then worked closely with the docks employer , Lord Aldington , in getting a new wages agreement for the docks including a settlement for the problem of casual labour which drew on him the fire of many militant shop stewards amongst the stevedores .
6 A third party coming into possession of confidential information is accordingly liable to be restrained from publishing it if he knows the information to be confidential and the circumstances are such as to impose on him an obligation in good conscience not to publish .
7 It is very important to give children room to think for themselves and not to impose on them a restricting interpretation of truth .
8 The principal effect of referring to rules of private international law to extend the scope of a Convention would seem to be to displace a possible presumption that the parties , in choosing the law of a Contracting State , intended only its domestic law to apply ( that is , without the Convention ) and to impose on them the onus of displacing the Convention .
9 Always hovering like a vulture around the vulnerable , pressing on them the drinks and fattening foods to make all his dreams come true .
10 Copper had trodden on me a couple of times in the stable , very uncharacteristically , and he also ran into a friend of mine while shying at something , as if she was n't there .
11 So Coffin had to work on him a bit first to get him to think laterally .
12 We had to work on it a great deal .
13 It was only when the Finance Minister , Navarro Rubio , confronted Franco personally , impressed on him the absolute and urgent necessity of devaluing the peseta , and asked him how he would feel if ration cards had to be reintroduced , that Franco reluctantly gave in .
14 As he approached tentatively , wanting to seem friendly but not to alarm her , she had turned on him a long and curious glance from remarkable , slanted , violet-blue eyes .
15 Will he ask his right hon. Friends the Home Secretary and the Secretary of State for the Environment to bring that home to the support services and the district decision-takers in South Yorkshire and to urge on them the prior claim of South Yorkshire police at this time ?
16 When I walk on it the whole thing starts to move and I am soon covered in the grey dust I am stirring up ; it fills my nostrils and triggers a memory that links the smell with rock climbing .
17 The rub is the general conviction , based on the man 's record , that the same pragmatism , unencumbered by ideology or ethics , that leads him to sign an agreement one day will lead him to renege or cheat on it the next .
18 They then draw lots in the form of a scorecard , unseen , which has written on it a target number and position .
19 And it had on painted hose of black and white , so cunningly painted that no man who saw them would have thought but that they were grieves and cuishes , unless he had laid his hand upon them ; and they put on it a surcoat of green sendal , having his arms blazoned thereon , and a helmet of parchment , which was cunningly painted that every one might have believed it to be iron ; and his shield was hung round his neck , and they placed the sword Tizona in his hand , and they raised his arm , and fastened it up so subtilly that it was a marvel to see how upright he held the sword .
20 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
21 And we 've had one meeting be , between , just really detailed some of the , some of the issues that we find and focus on them a bit more .
22 There was no way in the world that he would deliberately inflict on her a woman who was unsuitable to be her mother .
23 Adrift and in debt , Rolfe was taken in by the Duchess of Sforza-Cesarini , who conferred on him the title of Baron Corvo before he returned to England later in the year .
24 Farmers had suffered from both the depressing consequences of over-production and the uncertainty of what the future held for them , and ever more bewildering changes were imposed on them every year .
25 I do not arrogate to myself a knowledge superior to that of the professionals , but I have had imposed on me the obligation to exercise a quasi-judicial function in assessing applications .
26 I said , ‘ This is a temptation bestow on me a gift hidden from all thy creatures . ' ’
27 This attitude has provoked strong reactions from various gallery holders who have benefited by the system , some of whom accuse Mr Job de Ruiter , the chairman of the Arts Council , of wanting to dictate the taste of the public by forcing on it a type of art it simply does n't want .
28 So I make no apologies for beginning this book in the way that a conjurer might , by giving you an apparently free choice from the pack while in fact forcing on you the particular card that I want you to take .
29 Certainly I always tried to remember the shocking effect which the sight of so many old prisoners , some of them bearded , all of them strangely dressed , had had on me the first time I arrived in a main camp .
30 He turned on her a rueful expression — rueful but placating , like a boy caught out in a misdemeanour .
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