Example sentences of "[verb] with her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately , she was petite and thin , almost to the point of emaciation , but all the same Sabine needed all her strength to struggle with her to the grass on the opposite side of the road .
2 One day I 'm walking with her beside the river , and I 've got my arm round her shoulders , and she 's put her arm round my waist , and we laugh at everything , and stop every few yards to kiss , and think , this is fantastic !
3 Ada Thompson who knew Herbert Varley who was married to a Jewish girl , asked Daisy , one dank and drizzling November afternoon two years ago , to come with her to the Mandelbaums ' .
4 So she asked Curtis and Mrs Files — who had been watching Delia Sutherland 's reaction from the service door — to come with her into the morning room where she explained the situation as frankly as possible .
5 Appearing with her before Wirral magistrates was Craig Blackwell , 23 , of the same address , who admitted allowing fraudulent use of the licence .
6 ‘ Mrs Cecil 's departure was preceded by such an entire sinking of her constitution and by an exhaustion tending so much to lethargy that she was seldom able to converse … and it was a peculiar favour to herself and daughters that Mr Simeon and her excellent son were in the house and watched for every reviving moment to pray or converse with her in all holy tenderness , till she ceased to breathe . ’
7 Briefly she toyed with the idea of perhaps ringing Lubor Ondrus , of perhaps inviting him to dine with her at her hotel , and then asking him to approach his employer on her behalf .
8 The light from outside , and the light from the sitting-room shone through to her room as Ven moved with her to her bed and sat down there with her .
9 Her father had sat with her through the nights , holding her hands , comforting her , robbing himself of sleep to be with her and help her through the worst of it .
10 I have sat with her for hours spooning broth into her and a tedious business it is to make sure any of it goes down .
11 I think that often people did n't realise how tired and desperate they were until they 'd sat with her for a while .
12 He had sat with her in the long dark evenings , had made sure she ate at mealtimes .
13 She kicked out at him as he covered her body with his but he held her tight and rolled with her into the protection of the trees .
14 His Mum had n't taken him to work with her since last year .
15 Cotte ( pp. 71 – 2 ) distinguishes two main senses of let , the first of which is described as " the non-intervention of an agent in an action which has been initiated independently of him/her and has been going on already for a certain time " , and can be illustrated by : ( 214 ) He would n't even dance with her at Gavin 's party .
16 But Pappy , who was always so willing to engage with her for hours and talk about school work or play chess , only patted her on the shoulder and fobbed her off with platitudes when the question of her mother came up .
17 ‘ If you wish to sit up talking with Claudine , however , or walk with her in the moonlight … ’
18 Jean Campbell , in 1817 , was an uneducated deaf person without any speech who could only write the initials of her name in reverse order , eg. C.J. She was an unmarried woman who had three children by different men , one of whom at the time of her arrest in April 1817 had been living with her as a common law husband but who had a few days earlier taken off the ring that he had given to her and which she wore on her finger in the fashion of a married woman , and had left home .
19 He could n't like living with her under these sort of conditions .
20 Last I heard she was living with her for .
21 Arrested with Mrs Dyer was her son-in-law , a Mr Arthur Palmer , who happened to be living with her at the time .
22 He was living with her in London for some years — he said they shared a flat .
23 Next day we went to a very homely lunch party with a friend who has her very vivacious , elegant and almost magisterial 87-year-old mother living with her in winter ( she spends the summer in cooler Torino in the north ) , Antonietta Dohrn , whose grandfather , the close friend of Charles Darwin , who funded and founded the Zoological Station .
24 Once they were granted , the ship sailed with her to Dover .
25 Only a few years before , Camille had been acutely concerned about her mother 's appearance , sometimes refusing to be seen with her in public , but now it seemed that she no longer minded : she had expropriated from Scarlet 's wardrobe those few articles that she felt would suit herself and had thereafter left her mother to her own devices .
26 It 's just a pity we do n't live in the era when a man could set his mistress up somewhere and know she 'd be there waiting for him whenever he felt the urge to see her , but was never , ever seen with her in public . ’
27 Jennie told Katharine to keep pushing with her inside leg and holding him with the outside rein to stop him walking forward .
28 Girls can identify with her in a way they never could with , say , Linda Evangelista . ’
29 ‘ I 'm hoping to see something of Czechoslovakia while I 'm here , ’ she replied , but as it suddenly struck her that the silence emanating from Ven Gajdusek was decidedly chilly — and since the last thing she needed was to be bad friends with him if he objected to Lubor Ondrus flirting with her on his time , ‘ But now I must return to my hotel , ’ she added .
30 It is the one anxiety Marje Proops will carry with her to the grave .
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