Example sentences of "[verb] with [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It will be a vision of success from which everyone profits , a vision which the Profitboss has developed over many years , a vision in which he passionately believes and is able to communicate with enthusiasm to his team and every other employee in the organization .
2 She 'd had a colour put in last autumn which was growing out , so Chris decided to enhance the natural warmth of the hair and add additional shine using a non-commitment colour , Natural Dark Blonde , mixed with persimmon from the Colour Touch range .
3 There was a smell of wax polish in the air mixed with lavender from the downstairs cloakroom .
4 Death of the spouse may give relief from the oppression of selfless caring mixed with guilt about feeling relieved .
5 Rye flour does not rise on its own , but may be mixed with wheat in different proportions and can be baked into a variety of tasty breads .
6 To guard against this I have filled the Bopeep Baby Sootha with honey mixed with brandy from Auntie 's flask and half a Disprin , just to make sure .
7 Enrichment of the hydrogen content is accomplished by passing the syn-gas mixed with steam over an iron catalyst , when the mildly exothermic ‘ water gas shift reaction ’ occurs ,
8 Among voters , the longing for the consumer society is mixed with concern about the costs of a market shock-treatment .
9 Her twin children , bitterly cold , fiddled with their sherry , which had been mixed with whisky in the decanter by mistake , and took the reporter 's side .
10 There has been a waterworks at Bocking since 1912 , and the two boreholes now extract five million litres of water a day which is then pumped to the Panfield reservoir , where it is mixed with water from other sources at Petches Bridge , Codham and Notley Road .
11 One of the village pubs , the Cherry Tree still has mementos of festivities at the well ; including a vial of well water mixed with river-water from the Ganges brought over for centenary celebrations in 1964 .
12 Paraffin burns efficiently when vaporised and mixed with air under pressure , even in bad weather .
13 He felt an enormous sense of gratification mixed with affection for his two foster parents .
14 Then they used water mixed with vinegar in a syringe to rinse the cavity clear , sitting her up so that the residue could run out through her nose .
15 She had blood on her face , dried-up and mixed with grit from the road .
16 I am assailed with feelings of irritation mixed with amusement at the number of pilots who , despite cheerfully paying many hundreds if not thousands of pounds on their chosen hobby , carp on about having to fork out three or four quid over the odds in selected landing fees , or as in the case of correspondent K. Foster £46 for a medical combined with an ECG .
17 It was mixed with tweed at KL , with tailored wools at Positiv , with jersey and rib-knit at Escada … sometimes for a jacket or waistcoat , sometimes a skirt , and always for trousers or jeans .
18 Boiled lard in a pan of water , cooled , strained and mixed with oil of lavender was used .
19 Ben saw the anger mixed with sadness on his father 's face .
20 A brisk warm wind blew from the south west , laden with the vanilla smell of gorse blossom , mixed with pine off the forests and a salt hint from the sea .
21 ‘ What was it , McAllister ? ’ he said , his voice hardly recognisable , love mixed with anger at the wretch who had violated her .
22 The oil is collected by Centris bees and is full of glycerides , which are later mixed with pollen in the hives .
23 The platelet aggregate ratio as described by Wu and Hoak ( 1974 ) depends on the ratio of the platelet count performed on platelet-rich plasma derived from blood mixed with formalin to that in platelet-rich plasma prepared without formalin .
24 The ore mixed with waste to such an extent that it could not be improved by hand was mixed with other low grade stuff and barrowed to the buckers whose job it was to reduce it to walnut size for delivery to Cornish roll-crushers and then to the stamps .
25 I dissolved a grain of soda in half an ounce of water mixed with alcohol in a phial , which was thereby filled two-thirds full , and shook this solution continuously for half an hour , and this fluid was in potency and energy equal to the thirtieth development of power . ’
26 Li Shai Tung stood before him , staring into his face , a faint smile of sadness mixed with satisfaction on his lips .
27 Try applying a little self-tanning milk mixed with moisturiser to your face once a week until you achieve a natural colour .
28 Decisions , then , should be made on a much more impressionistic basis ( intuition mixed with analysis of a few alternatives ) , provided that the actions taken do not offend the organization 's ideologies .
29 For example I often paint an area with retouching varnish mixed with pigment as a glaze , then I absorb much of it with newspaper dabbed onto the canvas .
30 ‘ It is important , ’ Lord Justice Neill said , ‘ that the courts should act with restraint before interfering with the decisions of sporting bodies , however wide-ranging their powers may be . ’
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