Example sentences of "[verb] he [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 The official rulebook , Questions Of Procedure For Ministers , stresses it is a ‘ well-established and recognised rule that no Minister or public servant should accept gifts , hospitality or services from anyone who would , or might appear to , place him under an obligation . ’
2 The mother says that it was not a wrongful removal and that , even if it was , she has a defence under article 13 in that there is a grave risk that the return of the child would expose him to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place him in an intolerable situation .
3 The man was toying with him and treating him with contempt , by showing just how little he rated him as an opponent .
4 The applicant sought judicial review of the decison of the Director of the Serious Fraud Office on 26 June 1991 , in the course of criminal proceedings against the applicant , to seek to enforce his compliance with the requirement contained in a notice issued pursuant to section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 to attend at her offices and answer questions or otherwise furnish information in respect of her investigation of the applicant alone , afer she had caused him to be interviewed under caution on three occasions and thereafter charged him with an offence , at a time when and in circumstances whereby ( a ) the applicant 's application for legal aid had not yet been granted and he had neither legal advice nor legal representation available to him ; ( b ) the Director had stated that she would not cause the applicant to be further cautioned in compliance with Code C , paragraph 16.5 of the current Codes of Practice issued pursuant to the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 .
5 She was close enough to the dead man to arrange to meet him at an isolated spot without arousing suspicions .
6 When I saw my friend Bob Hope in some comedy or other at the age of six I provided him with an imaginary wife , who was called ‘ Nothing ’ .
7 Gassendi 's suspicion of the Aristotelian account is evident from his Exercises , and his study of Epicurean philosophy provided him with an alternative .
8 The plebiscitary acclamation which could always be mobilized by Hitler provided him with an unassailable base of popularity , and as such offered the regime legitimation both within Germany and in the eyes of foreign powers , allowing the scope for further mobilization and a gathering momentum of Nazi policy .
9 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
10 It alone provided him with an ideal of peace .
11 This provided him with an army of allies — and potential spies — surrounding a wide area of the Livingstone Manor estate .
12 He intended to join the Indian Civil Service , but while he was at Oxford his father and his only brother died , and he inherited the family estate , which provided him with an income for the rest of his life .
13 His detailed and systematic accumulation of electoral information provided him with an unsurpassed knowledge of constituencies and candidates and greatly contributed to the efficient Conservative organization which triumphed in 1841 .
14 The rebuilding of the town of Warwick after the fire presumably provided him with an initial opportunity , and he was later responsible for a further group of churches and other public buildings ; but the predominant element in his practice was the building of country houses for the midlands gentry .
15 He almost bustled to the far table where glasses and decanters provided him with an interval of escape from the lonely speechlessness that only Aunt Tossie understood .
16 Would you rather I thrashed him within an inch of his life ?
17 Members of Leuchars mountain rescue team , who were on an exercise in the area , went to his aid and moved him to an area accessible for the helicopter .
18 His sudden smile transformed him to an astonishing degree , revealing the man behind the remote consultant .
19 The citation described him as an officer of extreme gallantry , with the qualities of coolness and high powers of leadership under the most trying circumstances .
20 But halfway through the somersault she caught him by an ankle and held him dangling upside-down like a plucked chicken in a shop-window .
21 She mimicked him with an Italian accent which always made him laugh .
22 Mr Clay went on to tell of his visits to a bone-setter , who successfully healed him after an accident .
23 Bounderby 's mother , a decent hard-working woman who managed to provide him with an education .
24 Charles behaved rather like a landlord who could take a long view of the future and expect his possessions to provide him with an income in the fullness of time .
25 Edmund Langley , born in 1342 and created Earl of Cambridge in 1362 , was granted part of the Warenne inheritance to maintain his estate , but his marriage to Isabella , youngest daughter of Pedro I of Castile , was used to further Gaunt 's diplomatic schemes rather than to provide him with an adequate endowment .
26 The burdens and lack of stability of his social community became unbearable and the poet yearns for an age of permanence and simplicity to provide him with an alternative to the real world .
27 They regarded him as an oddity .
28 His dedication brought him swift advancement at the cost of alienating his contemporaries , who regarded him as an arrogant , stand-offish prig .
29 The Shah had visited Washington in November 1977 , towards the end of Carters election , and the new administration had impressed upon him that although the United States still regarded him as an important ally , the days of unrestricted arms sales , while arrest and torture by SAVAK were ignored by the US , were over , In fact , the Shah had already moderated SAVAK , released some political prisoners and allowed a little more criticism of his government to be expressed , even before Carter 's inauguration .
30 Small wonder children and female passengers regarded him with an almost breathless adoration , she found herself thinking .
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