Example sentences of "[verb] not know [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I can see you do n't know much about kids . ’
2 Aha , you see you do n't know this one do you
3 I did not know much of what had gone on .
4 Either Mrs Hnatiuk really did not know much about Hank or she was just being perverse .
5 Charles was not inclined to look too hard at what he was giving away in the charters he issued , and he issued two charters , one to the Earl of Carlisle and one to Sir William Courteen , which covered the same islands , probably because people in England did not know much about the geography of the area and possibly did not much care .
6 She did not know much about it .
7 We did not know each other .
8 When Ross and Minton set off in August 1947 , stopping first in Paris where they obtained a passage to Ajaccio from the French Minister of Culture , Louis Joxe , they did not know each other well .
9 Lord Taylor said that Kennedy and Mr Quinn , who did not know each other , were arrested separately for drunkenness and were in a cell known as the tank when the fatal injuries were inflicted .
10 The three accused did not know each other until they struck up their electronic relationship .
11 He did not know many English women .
12 Half the people there did not know that .
13 From across the street a man in a parked car watched him , but he did not know that .
14 I certainly agree that I would not be wholly confident of the conclusion about tunnelling if I did not know that rigorous calculations with the Schrödinger equation lead to the same conclusion .
15 I was not my parents ' child , but I did not know that then .
16 In fact she was at that moment being put in her coffin at the workhouse , but he did not know that .
17 ‘ I did not know that , Yuan .
18 He himself had a beautiful voice , but he did not know all that amount of technique .
19 If they did not know all of his plans , they would be placing themselves in great danger .
20 as if he did not know all this for himself , and was not endlessly wrestling , valiantly and incredulously , with the problem of his own chronic poverty !
21 It came to her as a shock that , although she had an excellent opportunity to be acquainted with high school children through her son , she did not know any of his friends .
22 We did not know any influential person in Parma who could help us , and certainly there was no one in Fontanellato .
23 This must be because he did not know any observations of it : Darwin was interested by every possible form of moral behaviour in animals , and if he had known of restrained fighting , he would have written about it .
24 Klaus had objected to the move , saying that he " did not know any method of distinguishing in practice dirty money from clean money " .
25 He had to have directions given to him which shows he did not know those parts .
26 If we did not know this before , we have learned it from the actions of parents in Dewsbury who , at the beginning of the school year 1987/8 , refused to allow their children to attend a local primary school that was predominantly Muslim .
27 I did not know this during his lifetime , and used to think him wanting in originality because his mind was absorbed in the mathematical world . ’
28 ‘ I did not know this , ’ murmured Corbett .
29 I did not know this at the time .
30 She did not know this was a defeated ‘ army ’ .
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