Example sentences of "[verb] not [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Metronidazole reduces intestinal inflammation and blood loss in NSAID enteropathy but the precise mechanism has not bee established .
2 ‘ The question is why has n't Durham built them before ? ’ — Every child would be given a statutory right to education from the age of three under a Liberal Democrat government , its Darlington candidate vowed .
3 Why has n't evolution produced organisms that practically last for selecting for is reproductive success .
4 Has n't Jacob told you ?
5 ‘ Why the hell has n't Harry rung in ? ’
6 Has n't Kelly explained it properly ?
7 And has n't Wittgenstein shown us anyway that a concept can be perfectly healthy without being definable , arguing that there need be no element common to all instances of a property ( e.g. instances of knowledge ) other than that they are instances ( e.g. that they are knowledge ) ?
8 Has n't Paige told you anything about me ? ’
9 ‘ Because has n't history proved that the English are always trying to do the Irish down ? ’
10 Their ‘ Why has n't life improved then ’ sense of hopelessness points to Morrissey 's overbearing terror , and , for him , it never can .
11 Has n't Yunny put the kettle on yet ?
12 Has n't Dorcas told you about using levers ?
13 cos has n't Grantham got the reputation of being the most boring town in Britain ?
14 Has n't David told you ?
15 Has n't Luke asked you to dance this evening ? ’
16 As with serum gastrin , neither age not sex influenced serum pepsinogen concentrations .
17 want ages I do n't stacks written up
18 But had not Deller opened the door to a professional career for higher voices , they might all have been singing baritone today .
19 Such was the distortion that the muzzle would no longer accept round shot ; nor would it have accepted canister had not Harry had the idea of tapping the canisters and using silk stockings to contain the iron balls .
20 Stern appeals to principle might in time have closed the dollar gap in Britain 's trade with the United States had not cancer removed this economic dictator-by-consent , greatly weakening the Labour government 's authority in 1951 .
21 French susceptibilities over sovereignty had not vet developed to the extent that they were to do by 1294 .
22 After all , had not Lionel said , lightly enough it was true , ‘ My brother is not , you know , immune to your charms … ’
23 It might possibly have been convoked earlier had not Luther urged that a general Council , to which the pope would be compelled to submit , should decide for or against his Ninety-Five Theses , thus reviving the spectre of conciliarism .
24 Had not Victor mentioned some such possibility ?
25 Had not Reagan told North , when he called him after he was fired , that it would all make a great movie one day ?
26 Had not Robert said , ‘ Of course , I want a son … ’ ?
27 My expressing some Fear of being troublesome in coming so frequently , occasioned a great Variety of Invitations , both in Verse and Prose ; which I could seldom resist : And indeed her whole Behaviour to me was so extremely good-natur 'd and obliging , that I must have been the most ungrateful Person in the World , if I had not endeavour 'd to make some Return .
28 Had not Winston done as much when he was Premier during Hitler 's War ?
29 Whereas Muskie was convinced that industry could comply with this ‘ technology-forcing challenge ’ ( had not industry developed the technology to place a man on the moon following the challenge by President Kennedy ? ) — and the strong anti-pollution public opinion of 1970 added weight to this claim — counterclaims gained increasing attention during the 1970s .
30 Had not God made them small enough to do the job ?
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