Example sentences of "[verb] for some years " in BNC.

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1 The following aspects of policy are insufficiently studied and will remain for some years central preoccupations of the Group :
2 Though debt-for-equity swaps represent one way for banks to recover part of their developing country debt exposure , they still stand to lose money and look likely to have to wait for some years before they can cash in their equity stakes .
3 Now you ca n't possibly test a medicine on ten thousand people before you start to sell it , so that sort of risk , as rare a risk as that , will only be picked up when the medicine has actually been in use and on the market and been properly prescribed for some years , and what we are doing now , and what is particularly interesting , is to start to use computers to pick up these adverse reactions so that we know much more quickly in future if a medicine is doing any harm and we can either stop prescribing it for the people who are going to suffer from it , and that 's the most likely thing , or else take it off the market altogether if it 's if we do n't if we ca n't pick out the people who might be at risk .
4 Bernard and Laura escaped on to their sailing boat for much of the summer , a yacht they had been enjoying for some years now , and they pottered around Mykonos in Greece .
5 Educated , like Lilian Lawson , at Donaldson 's School and the Mary Hare Grammar School , Irene qualified as a teacher and taught for some years at the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle-upon-Tyne before joining the staff of the BDA in 1981 .
6 The late Miss Pepper , who lived for some years at The Bield , spoke of the ‘ throwing up ’ of fleeces during clipping to a helper on the gallery .
7 The story of Hereward was later popularised by the novelist Charles Kingsley ( 1819–1875 ) , who lived for some years at Barnack Rectory , about four miles to the south-east of Stamford .
8 The United Kingdom holiday industry was in a period of rapid change and flux in late 1985 and this is likely to continue for some years to come .
9 The research to find a European version of taxol is likely to continue for some years .
10 The structure and organization of public services do not , at present , foster service developments which match the King 's Fund recommendations , and the need for an overhaul in the way services are organized has been recognized for some years .
11 The London General Omnibus Company had been experimenting for some years and , in 1910 introduced to the streets of London , their ‘ B ’ type , petrol engined , double-decker , opened top buses .
12 After the fall of Calais , when war ceased for some years , the king had to persuade the commons that direct taxes should continue in order to finance the defence of English positions abroad , notably Calais itself , and to maintain English forces in a state of readiness in case the enemy broke the truce and resumed the war .
13 But to pursue this matter would have delayed for some years the opening of much needed services .
14 It predicts that , despite tougher standards for new cars , the problem is likely to increase for some years to come , largely as a result of a lack of any controls over the emissions of vehicles already on the road .
15 The solution is to invest money which you wo n't need for some years , say five or more .
16 As we have seen , the establishment of NAB , with its very strong representation from the local authorities , creates a new environment for the polytechnics , and the colleges and institutes of higher education , to which they will have to adjust for some years to come .
17 ‘ As a biologist , my main interest has for some years been human genetics , the study of the way in which various characteristics are passed from parent to offspring .
18 The press has for some years played up the problems of UK financial reporting and has exaggerated the extent to which those problems derived from weak enforcement of standards rather than defects in the standards themselves .
19 The outcome of these changes is that the drug bill is rising faster than it has for some years and above the rate of inflation .
20 University College London has for some years been offering a one-year postgraduate diploma course in librarianship to experienced graduate teachers . "
21 It is in its work on health and healing , the Board of Social Responsibility has for some years now been concerned with the provision of training conferences for ministers and others involved in this aspect of the church 's commission .
22 The use of a written procedure was pioneered in the House of Lords where each party has for some years been required to lodge a ‘ Case ’ with the court which is very similar to the skeleton arguments more recently introduced in the Court of Appeal .
23 This has led to a crisis of legitimacy for the system : not only for the prisons ( whose claim to be providing effective rehabilitation was always shaky in many eyes ) but equally for other components of the penal system , notably the probation service which has for some years now been uncertain about what its proper rationale and direction should be .
24 To this end , this association has for some years now made the data sheet compendium — written originally for doctors and pharmacists — available to public libraries and , on request , to individual members of the public .
25 Europe now produces more food than she needs and has for some years been supporting a section of industry that provides employment for less than 1% of our National workforce ; good for British agriculture , but how much better if the support had gone to those industries that took up a greater proportion of the work force , i.e. the engineers with 10% .
26 Sally Harrower , Issue Hall , has for some years entered the Edinburgh to St Andrews cycle ride in aid of Lepra .
27 It has for some years been established beyond doubt that Elisabeth used her long period as custodian of her brother 's works and papers ( during which time she wrote and rewrote his biography , as well as overseeing the editing of his works ) to misrepresent important aspects of his life and thought and , in extreme cases , to falsify letters and unpublished writings .
28 Suppose manufacturer A has for some years produced a razor which will not normally cut the user unless it is slid sideways across the skin .
29 It was rumoured that the ‘ train' actually came into Hallington Station and blew off steam ( even though the track had been lifted for some years ) .
30 ‘ The constructors and team-managers have enjoyed for some years now such unrealistic power and influence , have commanded so much attention , they have begun to think of themselves and their cars as the stars .
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