Example sentences of "[verb] for the first " in BNC.

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31 I have no doubt that there will be special preparations and allowances made by police and spectators for the Marathon , in which I will be competing for the first time tomorrow .
32 SOUTH AFRICA , who will be competing for the first time , are to stage the 1995 Rugby World Cup .
33 This time an overseas crew from South Africa is competing for the first time .
34 This system , devised by Rentokil 's Research and Development department , offers for the first time a non-chemical , twenty-four hour detection and protection system .
35 When stopped for the first offence , he claimed the cruise control on his BMW was set at 98mph .
36 Eight months earlier he made an abortive attempt for the title , then held by the Frenchman Franck Nicotra , only to be stopped for the first time in his professional career .
37 Babies were not the only people whose rights were being demanded at the end of the Second World War ; other groups , too , submerged in anonymous poverty through years of unemployment , had in wartime received for the first time their fair share both of work and of food , and were now making it clear that neither malnutrition nor the grinding degradation of worklessness could any longer be tolerated by the ‘ lower classes ’ of the victorious nations .
38 Nor should it be forgotten , as Professor Orth has pointed out , that in 1799 penalties were prescribed for the first time for workmen as a class , not for hatters or paper makers as a special group ; in other words , the language of the act was concerned with a horizontal social division , not with the reconciliation of difference within the vertical structure of a craft .
39 The same phrase had been translated and mordantly placed by Dante in Canto XXX of the Purgatorio ; and so , when Hardy in these poems confronts the shade of his recently deceased and estranged wife Emma , not only does Aeneas in Aeneid 6 confront the reproachfully haughty ghost of Dido , but Dante 's pilgrim confronts for the first time the shade or apparition of his lost Beatrice .
40 He applied for the first chair and then thought better of it and withdrew the application ; refused to apply for the second despite the supplications of Cambridge friends ; and finally applied for the third , the chair of primacy , the regius chair made vacant by the retirement of Charles Raven .
41 During the relaying of this track , the Marton trams operated in a complete circle , returning to Talbot Square via Royal Oak and Lytham Road , while the St. Annes blue cars were diverted for the first time to the Promenade at Talbot Square .
42 plays on , he plays for the first team normally I think .
43 If the child does n't want to go for the first test or even the second test , it is their right . ’
44 American production soared , largely to meet overseas demand , and the Soviet Union , despite some impressive gains in production , became for the first time a large importer .
45 Although the accommodation remained spartan with bunk beds arranged in segregated dormitories , nevertheless , at a cost fixed at 1/ per night plus a shilling for breakfast , extended holidays in the countryside became for the first time a practical possibility for thousands previously denied them .
46 It is suggestive that during his reign military uniform became for the first time permissible dress at the Habsburg court .
47 ( China , while not using its veto , nevertheless abstained , thus breaching for the first time the unanimity of the five permanent members of the Security Council in supporting resolutions on the Gulf crisis .
48 In the course of twenty-five years of persistent pioneering work , he was responsible for novel design features , such as the duplex condenser ( 1924 ) , objective changer ( 1926 ) , and cone condenser ( 1930 ) , the last allowing for the first time ultraviolet , dark-ground photographs of viruses .
49 allowing for the first time storage-type unvented hot water systems , which are common in North America and on the Continent ( see Chapter 4 ) ; unvented sealed-type central heating systems are already allowed
50 And as the embarrassing minutes ticked away I began to realize for the first time the enormity of the problem which confronted Mrs Rumney .
51 And he talks of the , and plainly in that erm sort of mystical experience that he had with the Whiteheads , he did in , as it were , come to realize for the first time that there was in himself this desire to lead a life erm inspired by love and guided by knowledge , and to see others leading it .
52 Lawrence E. Walsh , the special prosecutor in charge of the Iran-contra investigation , responded to the move by suggesting for the first time that Bush was a " subject " of his inquiry .
53 Although Il Moro led for the first two legs , New Zealand showed her fearsome ability to climb to windward when she squeezed up from underneath Il Moro to take the lead at the third mark .
54 On the way back from that holiday in Provence , the party stopped in Paris , which John was also seeing for the first time .
55 She studied it carefully as though it were some unfamiliar object she was seeing for the first time .
56 Her friends ridiculed her , seeing for the first time how the balance in their relationship had shifted in favour of adorable Diana .
57 Paintings erm have the power to take you back in time , I can look at a painting and remember something that 's happened yesterday or years and years ago and as a small child , looking at this painting I remembered as a small child seeing for the first time erm the sea dipping into er , sorry the sun dipping into , into the sea and being horrified I was convinced that the heat of the sun would boil the oceans and the world dry and it reminded me for an awful lot of my childhood and I 'm sure if I 'd seen this painting years ago it would of persuaded me otherwise , erm this is called In A Days Work Satisfaction in a days work , chosen not given , eating the laxed food , face turned to steer a sun , making cloth into a gown and giving colour to the side of a boat
58 Hardly aware of the chill she paced restlessly along the bank , seeing for the first time the way the dew crisped to frost along each blade of grass until the parkland veered from dark to grey to an ephemeral diamond enchantment .
59 But now she looked around her , really seeing for the first time the humming activity of the fruit and vegetable market , breathing in the aromatic smells , noticing how charming the open square was , with its border of pizza stalls and cafés and bistros .
60 On unsteady legs she walked towards the painting , seeing for the first time the mischievous face of a gremlin peeping out beneath the skirt of an old lady bent double , sweeping a woodland path .
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