Example sentences of "[verb] it by [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Shut the window , please ’ is said in a situation where the speaker rather expects the hearer to act so as to fulfil a certain sort of wish of his , if he indicates that he has it by an imperative sentence .
2 Indeed , most forms of agriculture do not so much disturb the natural environment as destroy it and replace it by a manmade artefact .
3 And they took a whole level off , they 've dropped it by a storey .
4 She 'd buy it by the bulk yeah .
5 At Plowden was a road bridge built of transverse timbers with gaps in between ; it was here , on one of our journeys , that we sighted a cow with all four legs fallen through the gaps and its horns waving over the line ; Cadwallader ( the guard ) had had to pull it by the horns with main force while the station master sat on its head and Whitaker slowly drew the coaches past .
6 ‘ I 've got an even better one — told me by a cowman years ago — when charged by a bull , stand your ground and when it gets close enough , grab it by the nose .
7 Erm , I can never remember the name of it and I , I , and I forget it by the time I get home , but , the name of the castle that is .
8 They 've knocked it , flattened it down and rebuilt it by the looks of it .
9 Thus you can describe it by the three numbers ( x1 , x2 , x3 )
10 An ‘ only ’ dream has little effect on us ; we may remember it in the morning because it was funny or for some other reason , but it does not disturb us in any way ; most often , we recollect it only in the moments after waking and have forgotten it by the time we get out of bed .
11 But when his father 's will revealed that his marriage to Venetia might mean his losing £10,000 a year ( approximately £400,000 today ) he defeated it by the simple but ruthless stratagem of getting Venetia converted to the faith which he had himself rejected in everything except name .
12 A principal sea-side town had become a large and squalid town by the sea ; not only did fashion begin to desert it by the later 1820s , but medical opinion could no longer treat it with the blind enthusiasm of earlier decades .
13 the English working class … can never do anything decisive here in England until it separates its policy with regard to Ireland in the most definite way from the policy of the ruling class , until it not only makes common cause with the Irish , but actually takes the initiative in dissolving the Union established in 1801 , and replacing it by a federal relationship .
14 His drastic remodelling of the archaic and irrational administrative system , replacing it by a system of intendants on something like the French model , his abrogation in June 1789 of the Joyeuse Entrée of Brabant , the most important of the constitutional documents which limited his powers in the Netherlands , his collection of taxes which had not been approved by the provincial estates , all aroused furious opposition .
15 Multiple use of easier-to-get conventional credit cards could have the effect of removing the present credit limit long-stop defence against overspending , without replacing it by the specially stringent customer vetting process which unlimited credit surely needs .
16 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
17 Using enormous restraint , she stalked her prey [ or nearly half an hour , and only when she was certain did she leap from her crouching position and bring down her quarry , seizing it by the throat and suffocating it .
18 They chose instead to define only one boundary ( the lower ) of each division and to define it by a " golden spike " ( unfortunately only hypothetical ) driven into the most suitable horizon in the most appropriate section .
19 His father had wounded another bull in the same herd , but not mortally , and although they had tracked it by a faint blood trail for an hour , in the end , to the senator 's ill-concealed irritation , they had been forced to abandon the search .
20 The Handmaid 's Tale is director Volker Schlondorff 's first American feature , and he 's done it by the book .
21 a contracting business , and he 's done it by the skin of his teeth .
22 Some people have already done it by the looks of things , only they have n't changed it .
23 They 've done it by an alteration in the way local government finance works , so that the cost of providing new council housing and the cost of maintaining existing council housing has to be met entirely from the rent paid by existing council tenants , and erm a certain amount of Government subsidy .
24 He jerked her case upright , tight-lipped , and put it by the door for her , but relaxed in exasperated pity as he watched her start to check her handbag for the third time .
25 I put it by the sideboard
26 Just put it by the back door .
27 Observing that " governments of the world stand in danger of sabotaging the hope of a new era of human rights " , it asserted that " some are sabotaging it by the violations they commit directly , others by the selectivity with which they exert their influence " .
28 and then somebody comes and grabs it by the legs and pulls it .
29 Notice that effectively the spectrum of the unit step function has been derived by multiplying it by a factor which makes the Fourier integral converge .
30 Labour when in office cut it by an average of 6.7 per cent .
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