Example sentences of "[verb] it [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 She has it ready for you , I believe . ’
2 I 'm keeping it warm for you ! ’
3 This success also gave City their first League double of the season , but it was a little ironical that in a game where the respective goalkeepers played a prominent part in keeping it goalless for 70 minutes , an error by the Halesowen custodian should have produced the match winning goal .
4 Each evening I reported to Anne , keeping it light for the most part .
5 That 's right , made a cup of coffee and that and then , he was , just came back and she said you have n't finished , he said yes , she said I did n't hear you knocking , oh no he said , well I built it all , you know , it 's all ready made and I built it ready for the bolts and , oh I thought you would of been knocking , I 've got some knocking here you know
6 They did not consider it good for his image .
7 Organisers said the display was amusing but warned that some people might consider it unsuitable for young children .
8 2.14 The Landlord shall procure that the obligations of the contractor under clause of the Building Contract are complied with within the period applicable but ( save as provided in clause 16.3 [ of this agreement and in clause [ s ] of the Lease ] the Landlord shall with effect from the Certificate Date be under no liability to the Tenant in respect of any failure to carry out the Works in accordance with clauses 2.2.1 and 2.2.3 ( save as regards matters specified in any Defects Notice which were not remedied to the Surveyor 's [ reasonable ] satisfaction ) The part of this clause commencing … but ( save as provided in clause 16.3 … to the end of the clause should be deleted , as a tenant may consider it unreasonable for a landlord to exempt itself from liability in this manner .
9 Basically , the head teacher must consider it inappropriate for the time being for the pupil to follow the National Curriculum and that either ( 1 ) circumstances giving rise to that opinion are likely to change within six months or ( 2 ) that the pupil may have special educational needs requiring modification of the National Curriculum and temporary exception is necessary while those needs are assessed .
10 The buyer found it unsuitable for making into dresses .
11 In Abbel Mr Justice found it appropriate for the plaintiff quote , to recompense his parents up to the commercial rate for one full time carer , unquote .
12 This was supposed to be very good for skin problems , but one man was known to have visited it regularly to collect the water for his wife who found it beneficial for her arthritis .
13 The 44 has a 1/4in shank , and I found it perfect for the aggressive work I was attempting .
14 While many a villager born in so small an island as Britain might pass all his days without seeing the sea , some of his comrades from every European land risked its dangers , courted its excitement — or just found it serviceable for their varied aims .
15 ‘ He has tried to draft in fresh faces , and found it difficult for them to fit in .
16 The Staff Changes Supplement accompanying this issue of the Newsheet is distributed on the basis of one per branch representative who holds it available for inspection by all members .
17 The bodies were made of ‘ German silver ’ , essentially bell-brass , but with a high nickel content that turned the metal white and hardened it ready for engraving .
18 On thirty seven minutes though , Paul Biddle should have made it two nil as he found himself with just the Fairmile goalkeeper to beat , but stupidly played it wide for Brian Marland , but his final pass was poor and Fairmile 's Kevin Shepherd was able to clear the ball from the danger area .
19 The plaintiff may himself raise the arguments in the previous paragraph about the unreasonable nature of the clause , and seek to render it unenforceable for all classes of liability under the action .
20 The effect of such an agreement between a creditor and a third party with regard to the debt is to render it impossible for the creditor afterwards to sue the debtor for it .
21 The Labour government of 74–79 had made it compulsory for local education authorities to reorganise secondary schools along comprehensive lines in the 1976 Education Act , but one of the first acts of the Conservative government of 1979 was to repeal this .
22 He loved the tough life of thrill and fear and his excellent war record had made it easy for him when , in 1941 he had decided to apply to join the newly formed Parachute Regiment .
23 This had made it easy for him to reach the traps as there were no banks here as such , just fiats of mud and rock .
24 In the past we 've always made it easy for you .
25 It is almost as though fate is saying , Look , I 've made it easy for you ; just get on with it , do it .
26 In retrospect , the greatest disservice Charles Howard ever did me was the way he had somehow made it impossible for me to trust this man .
27 A dozen or more examples of the soulboy 's discourse have made it impossible for us to listen to virtually any ‘ black ’ record with any real pleasure , without ghastly phrases like ‘ pride and dignity ’ popping into our heads .
28 As had happened previously , the fines were paid anonymously but the magistrates had made it impossible for an outsider to defuse the situation on this occasion by also binding them over to keep the peace .
29 To summarize : although Paisley and the other ministers of the Free Presbyterian Church have always maintained a clear division between ‘ constitutional ’ and ‘ party ’ politics — the Church has a position on the constitution but does not back any particular party — the close historical and biographical links between Church and Party have made it impossible for the Free Presbyterian Church to avoid either being tagged with the label of being the DUP at prayer or on occasion being disrupted by the spill-over of tensions from the Party into the Church .
30 You 've made it impossible for him to change his mind , with your carry-on in public .
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